North Carolina had already managed to troll progressive America with its world-famous “bathroom bill” — and yes, it is world famous, inspiring the U.K. to update its travel advisory with a warning for citizens headed across the pond — and now an anonymous person or group is triggering drivers in the state with a billboard.
Caution: The image that follows could be considered triggering.
This N.C. billboard is angering drivers, who say it is sexist »
— WBTV News (@WBTV_News) February 23, 2017
Whoever bought the billboard space has chosen not to go public, but that won’t stop a group of protesters from staring down that sexist monstrosity this coming Sunday.
Anonymous billboard on I-40 is angering many who say it's sexist and plan to protest Sun
— Katie Peralta (@katieperalta) February 23, 2017
The Charlotte Observer reports that a protest led by the owner of a women’s boutique will be a protest against “patriarchy and sexism, and that this antiquated way of thinking about women exists at all.” The organizer stressed that the protest recognizes free speech and the right of the billboard to exist.
This is true. Men provide for their women, and women appreciate it. Feminists think Gov should do that.
— Amy Curtis (@RantyAmyCurtis) February 23, 2017
Drivers say N.C. billboard is offensive to women | The Charlotte Observer – I'm a woman & I LIKE IT!?
— ??ittybittycrenshaw?? (@pal29b) February 23, 2017
Kitchen, sammich! ?— ?? Danny Covfefe (@DannyCovfefe) February 24, 2017
There’s a single billboard in the United States referring to —gasp! — “real men,” so of course, look who has to weigh in. We’re not quite sure where Michael Moore found race mentioned anywhere in the space of seven words … he must be using his Super Lib-Vision™ to read between the lines.
63% of white men, 53% of all white women voted for Trump. A new billboard in North Carolina has it figured out: #ugh
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) February 23, 2017
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