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White House's all-gender restroom sign preserved in a photo before Trump could do something horrible to it

Looking back, Wednesday’s news was dominated by 1) GOP town halls crowded with protesters testifying they face certain death without Obamacare, despite having lived decades with no inkling they needed it; and 2) a revival of the transgender bathroom argument that captivated the nation during Obama’s second term.


Just for fun, here’s a flashback to Barack Obama at a town hall of his own claiming he’d never made a big deal out of transgender bathrooms — after having his attorney general issued a directive to every public school in the nation.

Today’s big development was President Trump reversing Obama’s directive. The statement is well worth reading as inoculation against any hysteria making the rounds on social media and cable news panels.

The ACLU sent out a multi-tweet response to the news, complete with its own shot and chaser.

OMG, everybody panic!

Won’t somebody think of the transgender students in crisis? Oh, wait, one more thing.


Not sure whether to panic or not. Until then, it might be comforting to think back to the progress made under the Obama administration.

Remember how awesome it was when some woke staffer in 2015 realized the White House itself didn’t have transgender restrooms, so they slapped a sign outside a restroom in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building? That was written up by CNN, and the Guardian, and the Independent, and POLITICO, and ABC News, and Fox News, and NBC News, and Reuters, and the Christian Science Monitor, and everyone else, essentially.

Here’s a photo so the American people who couldn’t be there in person to genuflect and maybe duck in to pee can always remember.

Where is the sign now? Do we want to know?

Ha! Good one!


Ha! Good one!

Ha! Good one!

Better yet, remove the whole bathroom and put it on display in the Obama Presidential Center where it belongs.

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