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Lena Dunham 'stopped being able to eat food' due to soul-crushing pain of Trump's election

If you never quite got around to canceling that HBO subscription you started in 1984, maybe you’ve flipped past an episode of “Girls” and could do us all a favor and explain the fuss around Lena Dunham.


Hillary Clinton certainly thought Dunham, who had appeared in ads comparing casting one’s first vote for Obama to losing one’s virginity, could drum up support from new voters pulling that lever for the first time in 2016.

Everyone knows how that turned out, although in Dunham’s newsletter, Virginia Heffernan explained that losing only elevated Clinton to a level somewhere above president: “She is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself.”

It’s no surprise, then, that according to Entertainment Weekly, Dunham recently told Howard Stern that the “soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness” that came from Clinton’s defeat was responsible for her weight loss — something that shouldn’t be hard to fact check, since she can’t seem to stop appearing naked, even when pitching Obamacare.

“Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” she told Stern. Followers of EW, however, are finding something else hard to stomach.


About that pledge to move to Canada: Dunham told Stern that when she made that comment, a Trump win “seemed like an impossible joke.” And yet, Trump won, and Justin Trudeau has set out the welcome mat.

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