Despite President Obama’s exasperation with those yammering people who insist on throwing around “radical Islam” as a political talking point, the Washington Examiner’s David M. Drucker noticed something unusual Tuesday following the deadly suicide bombing at Ataturk International Airport.
Must be an alternate universe. Clinton's statement on Turkey terrorist attack mentions "radical Jihadism." Trump just "terrorist threat"
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) June 28, 2016
Radical Jihadism? Hillary Clinton’s successor, Secretary of State John Kerry, wasn’t even willing to go there, at least not so impulsively.
John Kerry: We're still collecting info, "trying to ascertain what happened and who did it."
— CNN (@CNN) June 28, 2016
When it’s impossible to know whom to believe, it’s time to turn on MSNBC and lean forward a bit to soak up the expert analysis. Without rushing to judgment, is it possible that recent terrorist attacks have some connective tissue?
Is there a pattern to recent terror attacks?
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 29, 2016
Yes:1.Radical Islamic Terrorism 2. Obama/Hillary fail to keep us safe and instead blame guns and the NRA. 3. Democrat failed policies
— Leeroy Jenkins (@patoarch12) June 29, 2016
yeah, they happen and you and your cronies do everything possible to blame it on everything but radical Islamic terror.
— Deplorables Unum (@Scurvydoggs) June 29, 2016
yes very obvious. person becomes muslim, person gets explosives and weapons, person blow self up and kills others. #redline
— American Citizen (#SuperElite) (@surchn4truth) June 29, 2016
It’s never that obvious.
it's Global warming!? It made the non-threatening vests
"spontaneously "blow up and kill's NOT ISLAMIC TERRORISM!!!!— Alejandro Burr (@vipscafe25) June 29, 2016
Yes, the pattern is that the Obama administration still has no clue.
— Derek (@DerekStang) June 29, 2016
That pattern seems set to continue indefinitely.
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