There’s a lot of buzz this afternoon among the press pool covering the Hillary Clinton campaign. Photographers used to grabbing a shot of the subject boarding the plane were out of luck, as Clinton reportedly would not leave her car until the press pool was loaded onto their own separate charter.
Clinton staff won't allow press to shoot her boarding private jet. Instructed us to get on our separate plane before she got out of the car.
— Monica Alba (@albamonica) February 27, 2016
Campaign won't allow press to shoot video of HRC getting on/off jet. Tell reporters to get on their plane before Clinton will board hers.
— Dan Merica (@merica) February 27, 2016
Press wanted to watch Clinton board her plane. But they told us she would not be getting out of her car until we got on our separate plane.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica It would seem like you violated your journalistic integrity if you obeyed.
— $7WorthofHoobastank (@busterbivin) February 27, 2016
@danmericaCNN was there a rope around you?
— Doug Stafford (@dougstafford) February 27, 2016
That’s strange. Perhaps she didn’t want to be seen boarding a private jet while Bernie Sanders is happy to hitchhike from campaign stop to campaign stop. We’ll admit it: we’re not fans of Hillary Clinton as a person or a politician, but we’re hoping the theory that a medical condition might be responsible is unfounded.
@danmericaCNN if only there was a profession where people could get paid to ask why.
— UA (@UA1078) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica most likely because she has to spend time in her regeneration chamber
— Just Jake (@HudsonjakeJake) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica She didnt want shot of her WHITE PRIVILEGED lifestyle- didnt they shoot BERNIE on a passenger✈? He's like the Pope but political
— #Bernie2020 (@2cents4change) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica @QuinnDaGhost Does she think that hiding the private jet won't be noticed? How does Bernie fly? Like the rest of us. Go Bernie!
— Vickie J Anderson (@swallow1949) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica shes either hammered drunk or has serious medical condition. Either way shes a corrupt dishonest hag
— Forged Forever (@Redman757590) February 27, 2016
@AlbaMonica @bsandersewarren She probably had a few too many and needs to be helped to the plane.
— Mel Brooks (@Mel_BrooksSA) February 27, 2016
@danmericaCNN Perhaps she isn't as mobile or healthy as she'd like us to think. Press should ask questions!!
— Scott (@croncrete) February 27, 2016
@jeneps @MattMackowiak So, what are they hiding? Failing health? Drunkenness? Or is she just an elitist snob?
— Never Trump aka Human Scum Sierra (@Sierra0505) February 27, 2016
@edhenry @ABCLiz Hillary’s too weak & needs help. Track her closely! This could be interesting.
— Phil Boudrot (@Pboudrot) February 27, 2016
@edhenry Is it because of that time she tripped into the plane? Or she doesn't want us to know about her charters? #EOTT
— CLAUDIA (@claudiascompan1) February 27, 2016
@jeneps #NeverAgain
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) February 27, 2016
@jeneps Pesky reporters might ask her questions, then her streak of consecutive days without answering questions might be OVER. Pressure.
— Lucky Eat-Anter (@LuckyEatAnter) February 27, 2016
— Jim Deckman (@jim_deckman) February 27, 2016
With the press successfully contained in their separate plane, there’s not much more anyone can do than guess. Unless, that is, it becomes an issue, and Clinton is forced into doing her very best to tell the truth.
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