It’s no surprise that, following the terrorist attacks on Paris last Friday, 33 governors are reluctant to admit Syrian refugees into their states until they’re certain the federal government has a proper, effective vetting process in place. As Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros notes, though, this administration has had a tough time proving it can do anything properly and effectively.
If they can't run the VA, deport criminals or get Obamacare website running, this govt cannot vet Syrian refugees. Only a fool would buy it.
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) November 17, 2015
The government might be turning things around. Just check out this draft of the federal vetting form for Syrian refugees:
@AndreaTantaros everything's okay, Andrea, just got the rigorous #vetting forms for the new arrivals! We're safe!
— CAPT. JAKY 2019 (@usaf48) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros the vetting forms were shared to me by @Crash_MacDuff!
— CAPT. JAKY 2019 (@usaf48) November 17, 2015
Excellent work, Crash. Now we just $1 billion and 10 years or so for the government to digitize it and get it online.
@AndreaTantaros @KudzuCarl Vetted or unvetted, we don't need refugees from terrorist controled areas
— Steve Ferguson (@lsferguson) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros @SteelBackbone if isis is contained as obama says why cant the refugees stay in syria??
— Chuck P. (@uwsp46) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros Terrorists can't be vetted. Period.
— Angie Hall (@BeachDreamin291) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros @peddoc63 I wish folks would stop using the word vet, try using interrogate/screen Syrians. Either way, it won't work.
— Mike Wekarski (@Zippertheslip) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros @peddoc63. Obama will have them swear on their little pinky they won't commit terror acts in USA. Oh Yeah.. You bet!!!
— Fred Dugan☘️?? (@FredDugan) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros They say we can vet them, But they won't even allow us to ID people before they vote. #NoSyrianRefugees
— The Hyperbolic Literalist (@shoelessjoe255) November 17, 2015
@AndreaTantaros They might be able to tell a man from a child or a woman, though. With adequate training. #Sharing
— Peter Costas (@pcostas01) November 17, 2015
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