The Fox Business crew were without a doubt much more adept at moderating a debate than the gotcha clowns at CNBC, but viewers couldn’t help notice that near the end of the first hour of Tuesday night’s GOP debate, the time bell seemed to lose all meaning, and the “two bell answer” soon became the best anyone could hope for.
Has Clock Kid moved to Qatar yet? He could certainly whip up a buzzer that would grab the candidates’ attention.
the buzzer has less authority than a clam.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) November 11, 2015
@greggutfeld The bell is much better than whiny moderators yelling the candidates names over and over to get them to shut up
— BunkerF16 (@BunkerF16) November 11, 2015
@greggutfeld That's just the add 30 sec to the microwave button!
— Dane (@rugar69) November 11, 2015
@greggutfeld Need a recording of @HillaryClinton laugh to be the buzzer
— Pinoch (@Badass_Abe) November 11, 2015
@greggutfeld but it's happy
— Chris W. Bojorquez (@ByCWB) November 11, 2015
But also optional?
Carly doesn’t recognize your pathetic bells, yo.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) November 11, 2015
so the bell means start to think about winding down your answer fairly soon? #GOPDebate
— John King (@JohnKingCNN) November 11, 2015
@RalstonReports It's just a suggestion, right?? lol
— Ms. Ackerman (@Ms_Ackerman) November 11, 2015
Pity the poor political junkie who’s trying to watch the debate with a dog in the house.
Is anyone else's dog barking every time the #FBNDebate time bell rings?! 'No Bax! That's not a food delivery guy!'
— Anna Kooiman (@annakooiman) November 11, 2015
Everyone’s dog is barking.
My new little dog loves the debate bell. #FoxBusinessDebate #GOPDebate
— ReggieP (@Queen2Five) November 11, 2015
Please please please observe time cues, debaters! The bell is driving my dog nuts! #GOPDebate
— Pam Vaught (@psvaughtFOX7) November 11, 2015
My dog is the only one paying attention to the bell. #GOPdebate
— Mary Winsor (@MaryWinsor) November 11, 2015
My dog growls each time the bell sounds at #GOPDebate – must be like a dog whistle because candidates don't seem to hear it
— Robert Blaszkiewicz (@RobertBlaszk) November 11, 2015
Every time the #GOPDebate bell rings my dog barks. #ObeyTheClock
— Wayne Cabot (@WayneCabot) November 11, 2015
Oh man, every time they ring the bell during the debate, my poor dog jumps up & runs to the front door. #PoorGuy #GOPDebate
— Nancy Clay (@NancyLClay) November 11, 2015
My dog hates this #GOPdebate bell. She runs to the front door barking. Every. Single. Time. Thinks Trick or Treaters are back…
— Cat Williams (@dizzycatdesign) November 11, 2015
Have to mute every 80 seconds cuz my dog is going wild. @FoxBusiness @FoxNews please get rid of the bell. #GOPDebate
— gailtalk (@gailtalk) November 11, 2015
@FoxBusiness my dog keeps running to the door when you ring the bell during #RepublicanDebate #pavlovorpoliticians?
— Hud Callaway (@AllPointsofTrav) November 11, 2015
My dog is going to eat the tv. The bell must go. #GOPDebate
— Savannah (@thesavvy) November 11, 2015
Ummm…what's the point of the bell? All it's doing is making my dog go nuts. #RepublicanDebate
— Filthy Mouthed Wife? (@IslandGalObama) November 11, 2015
That damn game show bell… My dog is going to need Prozac before the night is over. #GOPDebate
— SilverSun (@_SilverSun_) November 11, 2015
Stop ringing that damned bell. The candidates are paying ZERO attention to it, and it is driving my dog crazy. #GOPDebate #tytlive
— kate (@KateConner) November 11, 2015
This dog freaks out Everytime she hears the moderator bell on #FBNGOPDebate
— Rebekah Gomez (@BekDanielle) November 11, 2015
I just had to put my dog out because these people can't keep to their time. The bell was giving her apoplexy. #GOPDebate
— call me ACAB (@marxalot) November 11, 2015
My dog keeps barking at GOP debate bell thinking it's the doorbell. Had to send him out.
— David Carnoy (@DavidCarnoy) November 11, 2015
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