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Planned Parenthood president lauds 'hero' who live-tweeted her IUD insertion

There are a lot of Americans who mistakenly define a hero as one who risks his or her life and limb so that others might live; for example, the serviceman sweeping the roadside in Iraq or Afghanistan for IEDs. Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Cecile Richards is helping to redefine that limited definition of “hero” by lauding the effort of writer and editor Hayley MacMillen to live-tweet the insertion of her IUD.


Hero? Well, the stunt does give Richards something to tweet about related to actual contraception and not the latest undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress showing the PR concerns of fetal organ harvesting. Speaking of Planned Parenthood, MacMillen’s procedure seems to have been performed at a private clinic, One Medical Group, and not Planned Parenthood — good choice.

We’re not going to reprint every tweet from this hero, but here’s a sample to give an idea of her bravery.


MacMillen thanked Richards for the kind words and the opportunity to spread the news about long-acting reversible contraception. Twitter turned out to be such a great educational tool that Richards should find someone to live-tweet the mammogram they received at a Planned Parenthood clinic.


If pastors are going to insist that the Smithsonian remove its bust of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger from its “Struggle for Justice” exhibit, they could at least consider a bust of MacMillen in honor of her struggle for insertion.

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