Multibillionaire Bill Gates is drinking water from the toilet again — thanks, Obama.
I drank water made from human feces. Here’s an update on the machine that produced that water:
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) August 12, 2015
That’s a pretty cool trick, but the water that has people concerned at the moment is from the #AnimasRiver, into which the EPA accidentally released millions of gallons of toxic wastewater. Never fear, though; officials from the Environmental Protection Agency are in Colorado and New Mexico to assess the situation and promise to “let science be our guide” in the cleanup effort.
Gov. John Hickenlooper yesterday showed how badass he is by taking a drink straight from the river, after treating it with an iodine tablet. He doesn’t recommend others follow his lead, though.
#Colorado Governor drinks #AnimasRiver water after #AnimasRiverSpill You gotta see @DurangoHerald
— S Stanley (@SWCO_Shooter) August 12, 2015
… the drinking exercise indicated that state officials are more than confident that the river does not pose a toxic risk to humans, as they publicly stated on Tuesday.
“Am I willing to go out there and demonstrate that we’re back to normal?” Hickenlooper asked out loud after The Durango Herald raised the idea with the governor. “Certainly. I’m happy to do that. I’m dead serious.”
Because the EPA is responsible, liberals are DESPERATE to deny the impact. (And Hick is not very bright.)
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) August 14, 2015
@kerpen @ABC Note they avoid the word "Democrat" in the story.
— Coshoct (@Coshoct) August 14, 2015
Oh wow bad idea.
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 14, 2015
@freddoso @redsteeze @ABC Toxic Avenger.
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) August 14, 2015
@freddoso @ABC was later spotted wandering Walmart parking lot…
— Brian Lerias (@lerias1968) August 14, 2015
— Brian Dean (@DoctahDean) August 14, 2015
@freddoso @ABC Yikes. Might be a Governor seat opening soon.
— Andrew (@andy85719) August 14, 2015
Hickenlooper will survive, but he will suddenly develop superpowers.
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 14, 2015
You people won't be making jokes when Hickenlooper suddenly grows 100 feet tall & fries you with lasers from his eyes
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 14, 2015
Yeah, but the difference is that FRACKING FLUID IS ACTUALLY SAFE
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 14, 2015
Moments later…..
— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 14, 2015
@KyleClark @hickforco #WillHickDrinkIt needs to start trending locally.
— Dave Amirault (@ozskier) August 12, 2015
Lost long can of 1930s Coors. #WillHickDrinkIt?
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) August 12, 2015
@KyleClark Olympic venue water (sailing, open water swimming, triathlon) in Rio. #WillHickDrinkIt
— Josh Neugebauer (@joshneugs) August 12, 2015
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