In a disturbing bit of news, Fox News is reporting Wednesday night that a judge has granted a temporary restraining order that prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video of three high-ranking StemExpress officials taken at a restaurant in May.
Los Angeles judge issues order preventing publication of anti-abortion video. Troubling, at best.
— Adam Steinbaugh (@adamsteinbaugh) July 29, 2015
The restraining order remains in effect until a hearing Aug. 19.
@adamsteinbaugh @Shawn_Mize the left's been packing the judiciary for years. They foresaw the need for judges to run interference for them.
— Judianna (@Judianna) July 30, 2015
@Judianna @adamsteinbaugh yep it really helps with the "rule by fiat" thing they've been doing
— ReaganWasRight (@Shawn_Mize) July 30, 2015
@whpresscorps @adamsteinbaugh Only way the Left can keep their false narrative alive, is through information suppression! #StopLying2Us
— Иосиф Мандза (@jpmzo) July 30, 2015
@adamsteinbaugh Scared. Really, really scared. Gotta hide it. Yo.
— Sarajane Winchester (@swinches1) July 30, 2015
@adamsteinbaugh @Republikim1 PPL like to cover up their sins!!!
— Cheryl Bailey (@CherylRenetteBa) July 30, 2015
@adamsteinbaugh God forbid there is a SHRED of MORALITY left in this Country!
— Subpoena Thompson (@debnantz) July 30, 2015
@adamsteinbaugh @Popehat You'd think they'd appreciate all the free publicity for their vital research efforts.
— Razzleberries (@huntsvut) July 30, 2015
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