As Twitchy reported Friday, an appearance at Georgetown University by Christina Hoff Sommers, host of the Factual Feminist video blog and author of “The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men” among other books, was accompanied by a host of “trigger warnings” posted around the school and the offer of a designated “safe space” for those feeling threatened by her presence on campus.
Sommers appeared Monday night at Oberlin University in Ohio as a guest of the Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians, and a letter in The Oberlin Review signed by more than 150 individuals and organizations publicized an alternative event called “We’re Still Here Monday” that would “make her talk irrelevant in the face of our love, passion and power.” Ironically, the letter warning students away from Hoff’s appearance was itself preceded by a content warning, nothing that the letter contained “discussion of rape culture, online harassment, victim blaming and rape apologism/denialism.”
As at Georgetown, there were plenty of hand-made signs posted as warnings. Nick Mascari of Third Base Politics offered a sample.
According to Oberlin feminists, @CHSommers actually support rapists. Sounds legit right?
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 20, 2015
More classiness from Oberlin feminists. TRIGGER WARNING! @CHSommers @michellemalkin
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 20, 2015
More protest signs at Oberlin for @CHSommers speech.
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 21, 2015
Oberlin students sitting in the audience with tape over their mouths. I haven't heard @CHSommers support rape yet.
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 21, 2015
I'm still waiting for @CHSommers to support rapists, Oberlin. @michellemalkin
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 21, 2015
Trigger warning for those who don’t earn as much as they believe they should:
.@CHSommers: In college, women more apt to choose social work careers, men more likely to choose fields like engineering.
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 21, 2015
.@CHSommers says if u want to close the wage gap, choose a major that pays more. Rude Oberlin audience members jeer.
— Nick Mascari (@Nick3BP) April 21, 2015
Historian, Harvard professor and “The Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die” author Niall Ferguson has evidently had it with the trigger warnings, decrying the “campus culture of intellectual cowardice.”
This campus culture of intellectual cowardice is beneath contempt. They are lucky to have @CHSommers.
— Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) April 20, 2015
@nfergus @CHSommers Not sure what's worse. Those who claim to need safe spaces from ideas or those who believe them.
— (@Body_in_Mind) April 20, 2015
@nfergus @CHSommers Beneath contempt. As in, contempt-worthiness would be a step up. Lmfao
— ShutDownTheInternet (@MagicBoxShow) April 20, 2015
@nfergus @CHSommers
Bloody hell. World's going insane…— Claudiu Ciocian (@CCiocian) April 20, 2015
@margaretbkelly @nfergus @CHSommers A Love Letter to Ourselves perfectly describes all SJWs, because everything is all about them.
— Razzleberries (@huntsvut) April 20, 2015
@nfergus @CHSommers Questioning speech, is hatred in speech.
Listen and Believe or be accused of rape: Thankyous and Positive comments only.— Dark Science (@tardispda) April 20, 2015
@nfergus @Daddy_Warpig @CHSommers thats just pathetic. If they can't handle this wtf are they gonna do when they graduate?
— Dylan Pheifer (@dtpheifer) April 20, 2015
@dtpheifer @nfergus @Daddy_Warpig @CHSommers
Blame the patriarchy
— Killer King (@_KillerKing__) April 21, 2015
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