Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday night tweeted his support for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Indiana’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act and posted a brief statement to his website explaining his support.
I’m proud to stand with Gov. @mike_pence for religious liberty, and I urge Americans to do the same
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 31, 2015
I want to commend Governor Mike Pence for his support of religious freedom, especially in the face of fierce opposition. There was a time, not too long ago, when defending religious liberty enjoyed strong bipartisan support. Alas, today we are facing a concerted assault on the First Amendment, on the right of every American to seek out and worship God according to the dictates of his or her conscience. Governor Pence is holding the line to protect religious liberty in the Hoosier State. Indiana is giving voice to millions of courageous conservatives across this country who are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks upon our personal liberties. I’m proud to stand with Mike, and I urge Americans to do the same.
Opponents of the Act (and of Cruz in general) saw the statement as the death knell of Cruz’s presidential aspirations.
@tedcruz @mike_pence discrimination is bad, you guys.
— Jack! Jack? Jack. (@groovatron2000) March 31, 2015
Have fun in 12th place! RT @tedcruz I’m proud to stand with Gov. @mike_pence for religious liberty, and I urge Americans to do the same
— danny (@dabbs346) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence I am so glad you are running… #thankyoucrazythankyou
— John Tremper (@jet64155) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence #ReligiousRepublicanTerrorists #ReligionIsPoison
#TwitterDissolvedTheGOP #ReligionIsMentalIllness #CriminalCongress— @Atheist420 (@Atheist420) March 31, 2015
.@tedcruz @mike_pence RIP to your chances at President dawg
— tommy (@tommysalami16) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence we’ll remember that come November 2016 ? #theAmericanpeople #hasbeen #2016election
— Critical Mas (@RealCriticalMas) March 31, 2015
.@tedcruz @mike_pence and this is why you will never be President Ted.
— Amy Coleman (@amymariacoleman) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence Ted you are going to tank like no Republican ever did. This running for the white house is a joke. Right?
— Wes (@chevyguy1965) March 31, 2015
I don't think "religious liberty" means what you think it means. just say "right to be christian" like you really want to. @tedcruz
— امنه خان (a.k.a. jay) ☪️/?️?/⚧ (@jaythenerdkid) March 31, 2015
That’s quite a reaction. Cruz does have his supporters, however.
@tedcruz @mike_pence How DARE anyone say the First Amendment means what it says!
— Gumlegs (@Gumlegs) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence Freedom to choose who we serve is just as important as our freedom to find another business to frequent.
— DefiantFederalist (Human Scum) (@RichardJSunkle) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz Thanks for supporting @mike_pence and liberty. Liberty is under assault.#TedCruz2016
— Kinx Bitz (@kinxbitz) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence Way to go Senator Cruz. Man is so quick to judge a person. How strange when man can neither read our thoughts or heart.
— Paul DJ Montoya (@wordoftruth66b1) March 31, 2015
@tedcruz @mike_pence it's a shame states have to make laws that merely uphold the Constitution.I don't want change-I want it the way it was.
— AJ Powers (@aj_powers) March 31, 2015
Heartily endorsed:
@tedcruz @mike_pence A big help would be to thoroughly explain the bill. Lots of misunderstanding being elaborated on and exploited as true
— Ross Myers (@rossjmyers) March 31, 2015
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