The fight against some of the nation’s most restrictive gun control measures continued in Colorado Monday, where Republicans were to present seven bills in an attempt to overturn legislation on background checks and restrictions on magazine size limits.
SB 86, which would repeal the expanded background check requirement passed in 2013 and ban fees for all background checks, passed the Senate Judiciary on a party line vote.
On repealing Colo.'s universal gun background checks, sheriffs support, but police chiefs want to keep the law. #coleg #copolitics
— Ivan Moreno (@1TrueIvan) February 2, 2015
First remote testimony on the gun bills. Mesa County Commissioner
John Justman calls background check fee "a tax." #coleg— Lynn Bartels (@lynn_bartels) February 2, 2015
NRA lobbyist is testiying for bill, saying no need for background checks for citizen gun transfers. #coleg
— Lynn Bartels (@lynn_bartels) February 2, 2015
Backed by gun control groups like Mike Bloomberg’s, Democrats were successful in passing the gun control measures, but were punished by voters who led successful recall efforts against Colorado state Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron. Sen. Evie Hudak resigned later that year in the face of a recall.
The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels writes, “Conventional wisdom says this year’s bills loosening gun restrictions will pass the Republican-controlled Senate and die in the Democratic-controlled House and never land on the governor’s desk. Other GOP gun bills have been introduced or are in the works and will be heard at a later date.”
The first bill to be taken up (and to fail) today would have given owners and operators of businesses open to the public who adopt concealed carry policies immunity from certain civil actions.
Inspiration for the Klingenschmitt's bill: Possibility Aurora movie theater owner Cinemark could be liable for Holmes shooting
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 2, 2015
"There ought to be some level of immunity" for businesses where "horrible mass shootings" take place, Klingenschmitt argues. #coleg
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 2, 2015
"My bill leaves it up to the business owner to decide" whether to allow or ban concealed weapons, Klingenschmitt on HB1127
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 2, 2015
"The person who ought to be held accountable is the mass shooter" not the business where a shooting takes place, Klingenschmitt on HB1127
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 2, 2015
Now: #COleg House state affairs kills HB 1127, the @savechaps bill aimed at protecting biz from liability if they allow concealed carry.
— Brandon Rittiman (@BrandonRittiman) February 2, 2015
And the gun business liability bill HB1127 fails 6-5. Our first gun bill fatality of the day. #coleg
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 2, 2015
Representatives of the League of Women Voters were on hand to oppose the bill.
League of Women Voters says businesses afraid of intrusion should hire a security firm. So now only rich companies can be safe #coleg
— Kelly Maher (@okmaher) February 2, 2015
Why is the League of Women Voters against the gun control repeals? Women want self defense too #copolitics
— Kelly Maher (@okmaher) February 2, 2015
Legislators are currently hearing arguments on a bill that would allow a person who can legally possess a handgun under state and federal law to carry a concealed handgun in Colorado without a permit.
* * *
Not that it comes as a huge surprise, but the House version of the concealed carry legislation that passed the Senate Judiciary Committee was later scuttled by the House committee 6-5 along party lines.
Another gun bill shot down.
RT @ryanmhandy: Vote on HB1050: Fails 6-5. #coleg#copolitics— Rob Johnson (@Editor_RJ_) February 3, 2015
And now the SHOCKING background-check vote. Ha ha no of course you saw this coming party-line 6-5 fail for HB1050. #coleg
— Kristen Nichols (@kristenwnichols) February 3, 2015
Hours of testimony in House committee kills two gun bills; expected to kill three more. #coleg via @csgazette
— Ryan Maye Handy (@ryanmhandy) February 3, 2015
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