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Protesters plan shutdown of 'racist 1%' New York Post, Fox News; But what about these Fox personalities?

Fox News takes a reflexive beating all the time on social media, but it was CNN headquarters in Atlanta that was the target of one of the earliest Michael Brown protest marches, with demonstrators flooding the front steps of the building on August 18 and generally confusing those working inside, some of whom asked, “What are they protesting?”


It’s taken a few months, but with the organizational help of the Occupy crowd, demonstrators will finally hit the headquarters of the New York Post and Fox News in 2015 with a combination die-in/boycott under the pithy name, “#HAPPYNEWYEARS-Die In And Shutdown Of Racist 1% NY POST/FOX NEWS! Because Black Lives Matter!” The Facebook event page for the demonstration reads, in part:

As many already know The NY POST is a newspaper that is owned and controlled by the Right Winger Rupert Murdoch, who in essence is a corporate racist, that continually supports and disseminates racist, classist, sexist and all forms of pro 1% misinformation through his NY POST newspaper as well as FOX television.

This rag has also continually posted lies and misinformation about the Black Lives Matter movement, protests and uprising. We say NO REST FOR THE WICKED and beyond this action a boycott of the NY POST and FOX NEWS remains in existence as long as the lies continue from its newspaper, news programming and other media services.

On a poster for the event, organizers note in fine print that the racist New York Post is popular among black and Latino men because of its sports section, but the boycott will show that “this will not be tolerated.”


Blogger Johnny Dollar wants to know why these black lives at Fox News apparently don’t matter.

Charles Payne is awesome, so we’ll include some bonus tweets on his behalf.


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