That weirdo? You mean James Flacco?
As Twitchy reported earlier today, the controversial Kim Jong-un assassination comedy “The Interview” will play in selected theaters on Christmas day after all, albeit in limited release. Star James Franco tweeted “VICTORY!!!!!!!”, while co-star Seth Rogen declared on Twitter that “Freedom has prevailed!”
We’re glad they’re excited to see their project on the big screen after all, but we feel like knocking the exclamation point off of “freedom has prevailed” now that we’ve seen this theater marquee and the stark reality that we’re talking about a movie.
#Riseup 4 #freedom #theinterview @PlazaAtlanta: @CNNMoney Tickets online for 12/25 only:
— T4Vista Media (@T4Vista) December 24, 2014
I now have the freedom to see a grade B movie on Xmas day!!!
— Kevin Flower (@KMFlower) December 24, 2014
@KMFlower @zerohedge It's everything our forefathers envisioned as they were fighting and dying for our Republic!
— [Based] In Faith (@AcerbicAxioms) December 24, 2014
@KMFlower @zerohedge America is awesome! We're awesome.
— Paul Puglia (@pjpuglia) December 24, 2014
What hype?
@KMFlower @consmover Does this feel like a publicity stunt to anyone else? Maybe I'm just too cynical.
— Barbara Kern (@barbara_kern) December 24, 2014
You’re still going to see it opening day, right? Why do you hate America?
It's your duty as a freedom-loving American to spend Xmas Day watching The Interview! #freedom #TheInterview
— tex zen (@zenbone72) December 24, 2014
My 70-something year old aunt who never posts on Facebook just posted that she bought a ticket to see The Interview. Suck it, North Korea.
— Wiscpeachment Inquiry (@wi_defender) December 24, 2014
That’s more like it!
I guess Sony grew some fucking balls. It's our patriotic duty to now go see 'The Interview'….no matter how lame it looks.
— Slater Would Go (@SlaterWouldGo) December 23, 2014
Has going to see "The Interview" become a civic duty like voting? Because the reviews say it's a crap movie.
— Eric_A_Anderson (@Eric_A_Anderson) December 23, 2014
Now that they've decided to release The Interview can we talk about how terrible it looks?
— Joe Cortez (@JDCortez_14) December 24, 2014
i hope the interview doesn't suck after all the hype and like idk potentially starting world war 3
— ali silberhorn (@AliSilberhorn) December 23, 2014
Pretty sure after all of these shenanigans THE INTERVIEW is gonna blow.
— Jen Santamaria (@jensantamaria) December 24, 2014
I just wanted The Interview to be shown… I had no and have no intention of seeing what looks like a terrible film.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) December 23, 2014
When The Interview proves to be a terrible movie, we’re all going to feel like idiots
— Samington is a real name (@samingtonhays) December 24, 2014
From a freedom of speech standpoint, I'm glad that "The Interview" will be released. That said, I'm still not going to go see it.
— Cory Hertenstein (@CoryHertenstein) December 24, 2014
Sony will release "The Interview" and everyone will see it based on hype. It'll probably suck and everyone will wish DPRK prevented release.
— (((BoozeFoodTravel))) (@ChinaMatt) December 24, 2014
I don't care if Kim Jong Un buys me a ticket. The Interview still looks incredibly lame.
— David Leibowitz (@leiboaz) December 23, 2014
Some people just can’t wait until Christmas for the premiere.
Can Sony just release the damn Interview already so people can see how terrible it is and get every other tweet about it off my feed?!
— kellen whaley (@kellenwhaley) December 24, 2014
With ‘The Interview’ back on, James ‘Flacco’ Franco gets back at President Obama [pics]
‘Disgraceful’: Judd Apatow slams theaters’ decision to pull ‘The Interview’
‘James Flacco needs a new publicist’: President Hollywood butchers ‘Interview’ actor’s name [Vine]
‘You are the man!’ Novelist Paulo Coelho offers Sony $100,000 to post ‘The Interview’ on his blog
‘Coward’: Journo-fool John Harwood doesn’t think you needed to see ‘The Interview’ anyway
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