As Twitchy reported earlier today, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein adopted the #ReadTheReport hashtag to encourage critics to dig into her committee’s 6,700-page report on the CIA, torture and enhanced interrogation techniques. The United Nation’s Ben Emmerson tells CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that someone has not only allegedly read the report, but plans to reenact bits of it for U.S. viewers.
EXCLUSIVE: There are reports ISIS is now planning to use methods described in #TortureReport & tape it, UN Rapporteur Ben Emmerson tells me.
— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) December 11, 2014
@camanpour @akhedery Right, because ISIS really needs pointers in torture.
— Max Boot (@MaxBoot) December 11, 2014
Isn't #ISIS pretty much doing those things already? @camanpour @akhedery
— NGO Monitor (@NGOmonitor) December 11, 2014
@camanpour @ghoshworld Like a tutorial? Like they're amateur and they don't know how to do it, that's why they're already labeled extremist.
— Jackie©️ (@INV_Jackie9) December 11, 2014
@camanpour What could be worse them decapitation? As difficult as water-boarding is, I would think that's better than their alternative.
— Dave Dytrt (@Watrlogd) December 11, 2014
@camanpour #CIAReport So #ISIS will keep detainees up and play loud music? So the beheadings and executions end? Replaced w/waterboarding?
— Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) December 11, 2014
@camanpour If #ISIS replaced its tactics with those in #CIAReport detainess in #IS hands will high-five each other
— Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) December 11, 2014
@camanpour You know as well as I do, ISIS/ISIL doesn't work like that!
— John Masters Jr. (@john070170) December 11, 2014
@camanpour @FearDept who created these fake reports? Who waited until the end of #JohnBrennan speech?
— Jose Rios (@RiosJose559) December 11, 2014
Well, it's good to hear that ISIS will now adopt a more "moderate" approach. Oops, wait. @camanpour
— Gus (@Gus_802) December 11, 2014
@camanpour So the folks who cut off heads in broad daylight, read the torture report to learn?
— Tina Issa ?? (@tinaissa) December 11, 2014
Sounds like an improvement over having ones head cut off with a dull knife. But maybe that's just me. @camanpour
— Beef Supreme (@Supreme____Beef) December 11, 2014
@camanpour I would hazard to guess Christiane their methods are a LOT WORSE
— One Woman aka Granny (@Outofnames) December 11, 2014
@camanpour They are probably laughing their arses off at how kind these tortures are
— One Woman aka Granny (@Outofnames) December 11, 2014
@camanpour @retiredfirstsgt Not sure you can get any more brutal than cutting someone's head off. Stop fear mongering, Christiane.
— Everyone Was In The Loop (@EthanObama) December 11, 2014
Hey Ben, help us out.
@camanpour @Kay15Judy So Ben knows where some ISIS people are? Obama can drone strike them…
— Original Pechanga (@opechanga) December 11, 2014
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