After delivering those reassuring remarks to the press and public on the White House lawn Tuesday afternoon, President Obama announced that he’d have more to add Wednesday afternoon after meeting with his Ebola response team.
Tomorrow at the WH. Pres Obama meets again with his Ebola response team. Then delivers another Ebola statement to reporters at 340pm/ET.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) October 29, 2014
@markknoller Where's @RonaldKlain?
— DCD (@DCDude1776) October 29, 2014
Will this be the event where Ebola czar Ronald Klain comes out of hiding at last and announces a comprehensive plan to battle the spread of the disease?
@markknoller Do you know if the 'Eboli' czar is quarantined or something? We are getting worried about him. Where is he???
— Ihab Botros (@BotrosIhab) October 29, 2014
@markknoller About that ebola czar, when does he show up?
— DocHolliday (@DocHolliday2823) October 29, 2014
Obama’s Ebola Czar Ron Klain MIA
Let's put his picture on a milk carton.— BringtheFlag (@BringtheFlag) October 29, 2014
Has @RonaldKlain been quarantined? Really…where is he?
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) October 28, 2014
What are we taxpayers paying Ronald Klain for exactly?
He's MIA#Ebola
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) October 29, 2014
He contributes politics. RT "What's the point of Ebola czar?: WH vague about his contribution" via @MailOnline
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) October 28, 2014
Where's #EbolaCzar #RonKlain?
— David L B (@dlb703) October 28, 2014
.@NYDailyNews says it best.. "Where the hell "czar" you?" Tom Ridge joins me now on the #Ebola czar missing in action
— Neil Cavuto (@TeamCavuto) October 29, 2014
@JoeNabicht @TeamCavuto @NYDailyNews the Ebola czar is doing exactly what he was hired to do: political damage control and image making.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 29, 2014
@Joy4Life77 @RedNationRising Klain is confused. O never gave him the job description just the position.
— Got Work (@joefryoux) October 29, 2014
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