This weekend is the Smart Girl Summit in Atlanta, Ga., and the keynote speaker was former presidential candidate Herman Cain. Attendees tweeted photos and some of Cain’s best lines. Here’s just a sample.
This country is a mess, it's our mess and we have to fix it @TheHermanCain #SGS14 @OfficialSGP @FTR__Radio @WAARadio
— ✭ Wayne Dupree ✭ (@WayneDupreeShow) August 2, 2014
I know we can take it back! @THEHermanCain #SGS14
— KateS (@katfortrump) August 2, 2014
"The liberal agenda is to destroy the America our founding fathers envisioned"–@THEHermanCain #sgs14
— Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 2, 2014
Have you read the Declaration of Independence? It tells you what to do. #sgs14
— Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 2, 2014
Polarization – Liberals want to divide us on race and class warfare via @TheHermanCain #SGS14 @OfficialSGP @FTR__Radio @WAARadio
— ✭ Wayne Dupree ✭ (@WayneDupreeShow) August 2, 2014
.@THEHermanCain talks about liberals using race and class warfare to divide. @OfficialSGP #sgs14 #sgp
— Georgia State CRs (@GSU_CRs) August 2, 2014
The liberal agenda is to divide us by whatever means possible: race, wealth, immigration —@THEHermanCain #sgs14
— Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 2, 2014
"Our number one priority is to take back the Senate in November" —@THEHermanCain #sgs14
— Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 2, 2014
@THEHermanCain "most Americans want the lawmakers to start following the laws… this is not about being heartless." #sgs14
— Sarah Anne Voyles (@savoyles5) August 2, 2014
@THEHermanCain Outlines Liberal strategy:
Deception #sgs14— ??⭐️⭐️⭐️America First Stacy (@Discoveringme40) August 2, 2014
"Our biggest weapon is the truth!" @THEHermanCain #sgs14 Brains ballots & boots on the ground"
— Chris #bossy McCoy (@ChrisYMcCoy) August 2, 2014
Tell people the truth and the facts, and they will connect the dots and make the right decision. @theHermanCain #SGS14
— Chris Queen (@ChrisQueen) August 2, 2014
2014 will be uglier than ever because the Democrats have nothing positive to run on. @THEHermanCain #sgs14
— KateS (@katfortrump) August 2, 2014
@THEHermanCain Good words to finish with: Stay informed. Stay involved. Stay inspired. #sgs14
— Carrie Blackburn (@FairTaxMom) August 2, 2014
.@TheHermanCain: "Stay inspired." Progressives want you to believe we can't undo the changes done to our country. #sgs14
— Jennifer Kerns (@JenKernsUSA) August 2, 2014
.@TheHermanCain: We are in a battle of David vs. Goliath. We are all the rocks in the slingshot that can bring Goliath down. #sgs14
— Jennifer Kerns (@JenKernsUSA) August 2, 2014
Mr Cain…but but but what do you say to those trying to live off the minimum wage?@THEHermanCain 'Don't'#sgs14
❤️him— ??⭐️⭐️⭐️America First Stacy (@Discoveringme40) August 2, 2014
Minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage. Go out and achieve you American Dream @THENewVoiceInc #sgs14
— Suzi Voyles (@SuziVoyles) August 2, 2014
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