During a press briefing in the Capitol Thursday, The Hill reports, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) demanded that Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans take action on immigration reform soon.
Or else?
“I don’t know how much more time he thinks he needs, but I hope that Speaker Boehner will speak up today,” Durbin said. “And if he does not, the president will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration.”
Borrow the power?
". . . the president will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration." http://t.co/k6bnrtZfg4
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 27, 2014
Who the hell is Obama going to "borrow" the power he needs to make immigration reform happen? It sounds like a declaration of WAR on America
— RoyBoy (@TheQuestman) June 27, 2014
How does one “borrow” power, exactly?
— American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda (@JohnEkdahl) June 27, 2014
The fact that the White House (or whoever) said Obama would "borrow" power from Congress shows you they have zero regard for the rule of law
— RBe (@RBPundit) June 27, 2014
Federalist #22 specified that the president may freely "borrow" lawmaking power from Congress whenever he's too unpopular to get laws passed
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) June 27, 2014
The White House saying it is going to "borrow" power from Congress should send shivers down every American's spine.
— RBe (@RBPundit) June 27, 2014
.@SenatorDurbin Could Obama “borrow” the power to pass his own enabling act or would you sort of insist that that come from you guys?
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) June 27, 2014
I'm looking forward to when President Ted Cruz says he's just going to borrow power from Congress.
— Socially DistantAF (@brodigan) June 27, 2014
"I hope Speaker Pelosi speaks up," Cheney said. "If not, the president will borrow the power needed to solve the problem of Iran." #WhatIf
— jon gabriel (@exjon) June 27, 2014
Durbin: Obama "will borrow the power that is needed." Was I asleep when they taught the Borrowing Clause in Con Law? http://t.co/xapj11V2vf
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) June 27, 2014
RT @youenjoyitself: @allahpundit i like this meme. can Boehner borrow some power from Holder and indict Lerner and Koskinen? @allahpundit
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) June 27, 2014
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