All you need to know about the Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke “duet” at Sunday night’s Video Music Awards can be summed up in the horrified faces of Will Smith’s kids. (Correction: It was Lady Gaga’s performance that prompted that reaction.) Yesterday, the deep thinkers in the media went back and forth over whether the performance itself was racist or if calling the performance racist was racist. Now, two days later, ABC News is at work trying to explain the physiology at work in “twerking.”
ABC Deserves this Hashtag Takeover after reporting this BS About the scientific breakdown of Twerking #ABCreports
— c h r y s t e n (@getfitwithchrys) August 27, 2013
No, really. “Twerking: A Scientific Explanation,” featured on the health section of ABC News’ website, claims that “only a Ph.D. researcher can explain how the body does what it does to make it happen.” Well? “You take a wide stance with your legs turned out at 10 and 2 so your hips are externally rotated. Then you pulse up and down as you thrust the pelvis bone forward and back.”
Fascinated follows latched on to the #ABCReports hashtag to predict the next scientific breakthrough from the ABC News team.
Is It Scientifically Possible to Smack the Taste out of One's Mouth? A Roundtable Discussion #ABCReports
— tracy jumps to put jeans on (@brokeymcpoverty) August 27, 2013
"I'll Knock You Into Next Week" have black mothers invented time travel? Details at 11. #ABCReports
— Antifa Leader (@Joe_Schmucc) August 27, 2013
"Go get a switch" How black children have led to mass deforestation #ABCReports
— Sir Jeffers (@JeppyKeith) August 27, 2013
Did They Really Kill the Club? The Autopsy Report You Won't Want to Miss #ABCReports
— lil kimchi (@baltimore_lili) August 27, 2013
"Oh No She Didn't!: What To Do If She Did" #abcreports
— klonopin kathy. (@ArmedPropaganda) August 27, 2013
Who dat who dat who dat who dat who? Is someone trying to infiltrate your crew? A shocking study. On #ABCReports
— Ol’ QWERTY Bastard (@TheDillonOne) August 27, 2013
Blurred Lines…which anti-wrinkle product is best for you? We'll tell you what Pharrell uses and more. #ABCReports
— Veronica McDonald? (@Purify_toast17) August 27, 2013
"Im right around the corner" The relationship between time, distance, and general truth #ABCReports
— Lavish Lee (@ramea_) August 27, 2013
"I'll slap the black off of you." How NASA is teaming up with black parents to create vaporizer technology! #ABCReports
— Jesse Veal ?? (@TheJesseVeal) August 27, 2013
.@abcnews are you looking at the #abcreports trending topic? Black Twitter's making you famous, baby!
— Tukach Shakur ?? (@its_kachi) August 27, 2013
@webinista Good thing we're not a day away from declaring war, or anything.
— Matt May (@mattmay) August 27, 2013
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with a correction.
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