It might only be three weeks’ worth, but Sen. Ted Cruz said in his keynote address at CPAC Saturday that conservatives are winning right now, and it’s a “dirty secret” the Obama administration and the media don’t want you to know.
Senator Ted Cruz talking about how Conservatives have been #winning lately. #CPAC2013
— Sharon (@SBroadie) March 16, 2013
Cruz: Despite what media says, for the past 3 weeks Conservatives have been WINNING.
— GlockLady (@GlockLady) March 16, 2013
This is based on …. RT @DomenicoNBC Ted Cruz: "We're winning right now." OK
— Dan Amira (@DanAmira) March 16, 2013
True, conservatives certainly didn’t win the day in November, but Cruz’s assessment is based on a series of smaller triumphs which have grabbed the public’s attention recently, says senior communications advisor Amanda Carpenter.
Three weeks (including a 13-hour filibuster) is a nice run, but how do conservatives keep winning? Cruz went on to lay out the specifics of his plan, beginning with a vigorous defense of the Constitution.
TED CRUZ: If standing for the constitution and liberty make you a wacko bird, then I'm a #ProudWackoBird. #cpac2013
— Chris Denhart (@ChrizDDv3) March 16, 2013
.@TedCruz "We need to audit The Fed and stop QE infinity. We need to abolish the Department of Education." #CPAC2013
— TLC (@TracyLConnors) March 16, 2013
Lib caller: "I was like, really scared, when Ted Cruz said he wanted to cut the Department of Education"
— Kyle Raccio (@kyleraccio) March 16, 2013
Ted Cruz said "audit the Fed" and I agree
— Annamaria Combs (@ciclamino1960) March 16, 2013
@tedcruz: "We must stand with Israel!"#IChooseCruz #CPAC2013
— Brad Fingeroot (@FingerootB) March 16, 2013
"On guns do we surrender or stand up now. On drones do we surrender or stand up now."
―Senator Ted Cruz
— 21c Global Inclusion and Development Studies (@21cDevelopment) March 16, 2013
On guns, on drones, on spending, in debt, on the Constitution – we do not surrender – @TedCruz #CPAC
— Peggy Venable (@pvenable) March 16, 2013
Conservatives in attendance might not have gone into the speech feeling like they were winning, but many left feeling that way.
@tedcruz ends speech with the longest sustained standing ovation from a packed room, I've seen in all 3 days of #CPAC
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) March 16, 2013
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