Actor John Cusack has been a consistent critic of unmanned drones no matter who occupies the Oval Office, and while thousands are tweeting today that they #StandWithRand as the senator demands answers on the Obama administration’s drone policy, Cusack is wondering where the progressive Democrats are standing.
For gods sake where are democrats ?? “@democracynow: Rand Paul: Obama Admin Response Drones "More Than Frightening"”
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 6, 2013
Good question“@cenkuygur: Up to 8 Senators now joining the Rand Paul #filibuster. Where are the so-called progressive Democratic senators?”
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 6, 2013
on holder claiming right to kill even his own citizens..
and I remember Ambrose (cont)
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 6, 2013
This tweet is much, much longer than 140 characters, but Cusack wraps it up like this:
AG say its ok to kill us citizens–and other bad guys- but trust us we’re the good guys..
how’d that play out through history mr holder…
pay no attention to the man behind that curtain
the great and powerful O has spoken…
@johncusack My gut was that u would b more liberal, I don't know why; but I sense a real disdain for this admin?
— Christa Perone (@MyPerone) March 6, 2013
i AM more liberal — thats why i bring this up…whats in a name i suppose – branded liberal? by msnbc or the real thing? @MyPerone
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 6, 2013
@johncusack Is it poss. to be disappointed/disgusted at drone program & cont. eroding rights without calling Pres a regressive corp warlord?
— (((Lisellecae))) (@Lisellecae) March 6, 2013
when ukill innocent people without trial – i mprison them with no trial what would u call it?-used bush powers & exanded them @Lisellecae
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 6, 2013
So, where are the Dems?
@meganfrommpls no dems on the floor other than durbin
— john r stanton (@dcbigjohn) March 7, 2013
Update: Cusack praises Sen. Wyden as the only “principled Democrat’ to stand with Rand Paul.
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