Leon Panetta was honored this afternoon at a farewell ceremony in Washington, D.C., but the departing Secretary of Defense managed to drop a few bombs on his way out. He was joined briefly by his dog, Bravo, inspiring some terrible puns.
CNN's roving photographer/natsec contributor RT @FranTownsend: US Marines review parade for Pres and SecDefPanetta pic.twitter.com/BU0diL0L
— Adam Levine (@cnnadam) February 8, 2013
Wife Sylvia, and for a time, his dog Bravo, joint Panetta on reviewing stand in Conmy Hall at Joint Base Myer for parade of the troops.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 8, 2013
First Bravo shout out, the Secretary of Dogfence.
— Adam Levine (@cnnadam) February 8, 2013
Panetta:Bravo was in all bin ladin planning meetings never told a soul he is definately not a leaker in that sense of the word
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) February 8, 2013
If you thought that was bad, Panetta hadn’t even gone nuclear yet.
Panetta says producers of the bin-Laden mission movie may make one about Bravo his dog, and call it, "Zero Bark Thirty."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 8, 2013
#ZeroBarkThirty you just had to be there
— Barbara Starr (@barbarastarrcnn) February 8, 2013
Earlier in the week, Democratic senators managed to turn Panetta’s testimony on the lethal Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack into an impromptu budget hearing, preferring to spend the defense secretary’s final days arguing against sequestration. President Obama kept the trend going by turning Panetta’s going-away party into a political soapbox.
Pres Obama calls on Congress to come together on the budget in the Panetta spirit: by solving problems, not trying to score points.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 8, 2013
In the "Panetta Spirit?" Bwahahahah @markknoller
— Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022 (@HarrietBaldwin) February 8, 2013
Really? Obama is going to make a political pitch against sequestration at Panetta retirement? What a classless SOB he is.
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) February 8, 2013
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