The safety of America’s children certainly transcends petty political divisions, doesn’t it? Plenty of Democrats are supporters of gun rights, after all. The NRA gave Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) an A on its report card, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid earned a respectable B. But what does that matter when Republicans are involved?
#GOP stands for #GunsOverPeople
— Shasta Merlot (@ShastaMerlot) January 17, 2013
Get it?
GOP = #GunsOverPeople and Money over everything else.
— Shelli Tweetz (@ShelliTweetz) January 17, 2013
Focus, please. Better yet, hijack.
#GunsOverPeople if gun control laws worked, Chicago would be one of the safest cities in the USA. #GunsProtectPeople
— William J. Woodhull (@WJW440) January 17, 2013
say no to #GunsOverPeople because guns should not threaten any innocent would-be dictator. #nowaynra #GUNCONTROL #guncontrolnow
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) January 17, 2013
#GunsOverPeople ? Dont guns protect you from people? I trust a gun more than a person… #theworldiscrazy
— Courtney Jo (@courtney_jo93) January 17, 2013
#GunsOverPeople worked for Lenin, Hitler Mao, Stalin, etc to the tune of 100 million dead last century. NEVER surrender your guns to tyrants
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) January 17, 2013
#GunsOverPeople Because the left dosen't care about reducing gun violence, they just want more government control.
— Carter Infinite (@CarterInfinite) January 17, 2013
The children of the worlds most powerful man do need armed guards but you're a dot in comparison so no one cares about you #GunsOverPeople
— B S (@BASabbar) January 17, 2013
Obama and Eric Holder put #GunsOverPeople with fast and furious. #tcot #tlot #p2 #nra
— Rdy 4A 3rd Party?? (@joshuawoodz) January 17, 2013
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