We’re pretty certain conservatives weren’t in the mood today to hear about Obamacare from Sandra Fluke or, for that matter, from anyone who wasn’t also using the words “full repeal” in the same sentence. Even more so, no one wanted to talk about Romneycare — with the notable exception of Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul, who was appearing on Fox News allegedly to respond to an attack ad from Priorities USA linking Romney to a woman’s death from cancer.
The defense against the ad would seem simple enough; even Wolf Blitzer and CNN’s fact check team found it outrageous and flat-out inaccurate. So why remark, as Saul did, that if the family depicted “had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care”?
RomneyCare is a liability not an asset. But somehow @MittRomney's press secretary does not know the difference.
— Oligarch Kabuki (@HouseCracka) August 9, 2012
Romney campaign now wants credit for "Romneycare" health care law it tried to explain away during primaries: http://t.co/DnnhFEZD
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 8, 2012
Pssst: NOBODY wants to hear about Romneycare.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 9, 2012
@mittromney needs @michellemalkin running his communication team.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) August 9, 2012
@michellemalkin Romney does. He's VERY proud of that thing. *_*
— AstroNerdBoy (@AstroNerdBoy) August 9, 2012
It’s true that Romney used to be fond of talking about his health care legislation, but that was then. Was this just a gaffe by a staffer, or is this tone coming from the top?
@EWErickson I hope you are wrong, I really do.
— Brent (@brento76) August 9, 2012
If so, perhaps it’s time to send some common sense back up the pipeline, and make sure there’s nothing clogging the way.
Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday night, Ann Coulter called for Saul to be fired, going so far as to ask donors to call and demand her gone by tomorrow.
@anncoulter: "Sandra Fluke is the Andrea Saul of the Obama campaign."(After calling for Saul to be fired by @MittRomney 4citing Romneycare)
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) August 9, 2012
@anncoulter said what needed to be said tonight.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) August 9, 2012
Ann Coulter Melts Down on Hannity's Show Over RomneyCare http://t.co/2XYitMMv via @sharethis Very funny 1st paragraph!
— Waiting for Godot (@GodotIsLate) August 9, 2012
@AnnCoulter is right. Andrea Saul should be off @MittRomney Campaign. Gross incompetence bringing up Romneycare in response to Soptic ad.
— Not Slim Shady (@DimShady1) August 9, 2012
Isn’t that a little harsh?
Also on Hannity representing the #ConservativeSisterhood: Michelle Malkin and Monica Crowley. Malkin told Hannity, “The response, for example, to this lying, smearing SuperPAC ad accusing Romney of a murder … is to talk about the Obama jobs death toll and the Beltway jobs massacre.” Seems simple enough.
. @MonicaCrowley @seanhannity @michellemalkin @AnnCoulter quite the lineup! #girlpower
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 9, 2012
Still FLABBERGASTED that TeamRomney thinks Romneycare is winning response to O's SuperPAC murderer smear. http://t.co/unhljBEc
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 9, 2012
@michellemalkin speechless — just speechless. This is 2008 all over again.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) August 9, 2012
THIS. RT @peytonjames
"The President & his team are lying. We don't have time to mince words anymore." – @MonicaCrowley #tcot #teaparty— Susan O'Bryant (@susanobryant) August 9, 2012
@susanobryant @peytonjames YUP! BOOM!
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) August 9, 2012
Saul eventually did have the sense to note “there are a lot of people losing their jobs … in President Obama’s economy.” If Coulter and company have their way, perhaps those words will prove prophetic tomorrow in a small way at Romney campaign headquarters.
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