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Touré's thoughts on when killing is justified seem a bit situational

Everyone is weighing in with their two cents on the death of Jordan Neely. AOC declared Wednesday that he was murdered, and her fellow squad member Ayanna Pressley has called it a “lynching,” both apparently in an attempt to get the riots started before the investigation even gets underway. Even New York City Mayor Eric Adams has told AOC to cool it with the “murder” talk until the investigation provides more detail.


Touré admits that having some lunatic yelling at you on the New York subway is normal, and if you’re at the receiving end of this abuse, you can simply do nothing and hope the guy doesn’t get violent.

He probably will be charged, but with manslaughter, not murder. And in New York City, he’ll almost certainly be convicted.

The reason we bring up Touré in particular is that we remember his take on when a Dunkin’ Donuts employee was charged after punching an elderly man so hard that he died. The employee said that the man had called him a racial slur — and that got Touré thinking that calling him the n-word would be considered a violent threat on his life.

This was back in 2021:


Killing a man for allegedly calling you the n-word — twice! — is justified, but if some lunatic terrorizes you on the subway, you’re just supposed to sit there and take it, because that’s just life on the subway.

It was self-defense:

To the Left, words are violence.

So the guy who killed an old man should be found not guilty because his life was threatened with the n-word and it was self-defense.



Someone made a good point yesterday: The subway should be a method for paying customers to get around the city safely. It’s not a performance space, or a homeless shelter, or a giant urinal, or just someplace to push people onto the tracks.


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