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AP says it's a 'crisis' that hundreds of thousands of COVID grads are opting to forgo college

The Associated Press has introduced us to Grayson Hart, who, a year after graduating high school, got a job directing a youth theater program instead of going to college. College enrollment dropped 8 percent from 2019 to 2022, and the AP says that’s a “crisis,” with economists saying the impact could be dire.


Collin Binkley shares Hart’s shocking story:

As a kid, Hart dreamed of going to Penn State to study musical theater. His family encouraged college, and he went to a private Christian high school where it’s an expectation.

But when classes went online, he spent more time pursuing creative outlets. He felt a new sense of independence, and the stress of school faded.

“I was like, ‘OK, what’s this thing that’s not on my back constantly?’” Hart said. “I can do things that I can enjoy. I can also do things that are important to me. And I kind of relaxed more in life and enjoyed life.”

He started working at a smoothie shop and realized he could earn a steady paycheck without a degree. By the time he graduated, he had left college plans behind.

So Hart’s not going to go into hundreds of thousands in debt to study musical theater? That is a crisis!


Those dire consequences? “At worst, it could signal a new generation with little faith in the value of a college degree.”


“Most states are still collecting data on recent college rates, but early figures are troubling,” Binkley continues.

We wonder how much debt Binkley rode up getting that journalism degree so he could write this crap.


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