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Leah Goulis explains why she 'can’t help but be a little bit excited' about being locked down again

“Before I get trolled, let me just start off by saying that by NO MEANS do I wish another lockdown or deadly COVID wave upon anyone,” writes Leah Goulis, lifestyle editor of Kidspot. Wouldn’t it be great, though, to be locked down again?


She has her reasons. Working from home was great, she got to catch up on home projects, and she could “bust open that bottle of gin” before 4 p.m. Being locked down was pretty great, actually, except for the incalculable damage to the economy and dictators like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer partitioning off seed packets and other non-necessities.

But as more and more talk about a fourth wave keeps creeping into our daily conversations and news updates, I can’t help but be a little bit excited about the idea of being “locked down” again. As horrible and confusing as it was when COVID hit our communities hard, there were plenty of lovely moments during lockdown that we should look back on fondly. And personally, if they happened to me again, I wouldn’t be that mad about it.

Lockdown provided some really great opportunities to connect and slow down. It was the ultimate reminder to not sweat the small stuff and just be present. Here’s what I wouldn’t mind revisiting because it was truly awesome…

Truly awesome. She also talked about taking the kids to “hit the local park for some sport” every day at 3 p.m. Didn’t they fence in the park? Chain it up? Fill the skate park with sand? Didn’t wanting to take her kids outside brand her a “grandma killer” like Bethany Mandel?



Australia? Really? Because they really locked down, HARD. They built fenced-in quarantine camps for people who might have been exposed to COVID. Cops would harass you for stepping outside your house for a cigarette. You’d get pulled over if they thought you were traveling unnecessarily. It was … awesome.


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