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Aaron Rupar: Gov. Glenn Youngkin passes on a do-over of his 'callous attack' on Nancy Pelosi

We told you a little while back that this White House is obviously governed by Twitter, as it recently invited some of the most far-left accounts to gather there and pose for a group photo. Among them was serial fabulist Aaron Rupar, who usually trims video clips and takes them out of context, but this one time he’s actually posted the full clip — we guess he assumes it’s damning enough. Considering the attack on Paul Pelosi in his home, was it too soon for Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin to talk about sending Nancy Pelosi home? On Newsmax, Greta Van Susteren gave Youngkin the opportunity for a do-over, on which he gave a pass.


“Callously attacking.” Yeah, just like Sarah Palin’s crosshair graphics were an incitement to assassinate.

Yeah, that’s exactly what we picked up on his repeated denouncing of the attack and the numerous well-wishes.


Who’s being the snowflakes now, liberals? That’s all it takes to trigger you? Pelosi said she wanted to punch Donald Trump in the face and we didn’t see any pearl-clutching.


Editor’s Note:
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