New York City has all sorts of laws restricting your right to purchase and carry a handgun, but say someone sets off a nuke (President Eric Swalwell, maybe). We’re not sure why New York City’s Emergency Management Department went with the green-screen treatment here, but they thought they’d better put together tips on what to do if there’s a nuclear attack. There are just three steps: get inside, stay inside, and follow whatever media hasn’t been knocked out by the blast.
NEW – NYC Emergency Management shared a video today outlining the "important steps for New Yorkers to follow if a nuclear attack occurs."
— (@disclosetv) July 11, 2022
1. Get down under a table
2. Put your head between your legs
3. Kiss your butt goodbye— Jason “Storm” Nelson (@Storm4Congress) July 11, 2022
4: Remember to shout your pronouns out to first responders so they can set up proper triage.
— Easley (@FreeSpchMan) July 11, 2022
I survived the Nuke because I am thankful that I’m fully vaccinated
— Oyster Man (@ChauzLicka) July 11, 2022
*closes window*
That oughta do it— lazy river (@newplasticbags) July 11, 2022
What to do: make sure you’re vaccinated against COVID.. next wear your mask.
— PAIN😢😢 (@Chronolxgical) July 11, 2022
Nuclear shelters only for the vaccinated!
— Michelle (@libertebaby) July 11, 2022
Miss him yet?
— drefanzor (@drefanzor) July 11, 2022
If there is a nuclear attack, NYC is gone. This is about as helpful as hiding under a blanket
— FN Rascal (@SingleHotLatina) July 11, 2022
Don't forget to buy a fridge that you can fit in.
— Mari (@MCinabar) July 11, 2022
Me and the boys hitting the shower after the big one:
— Andrew C (@ZackAndScreech) July 11, 2022
So why do we need this?
Is there something we dont know?— mistermaster38 (@mistermaster381) July 11, 2022
Yes but no mean tweets!
— Vinny D'Agostino 💎 👏 (@proofofwork1) July 11, 2022
You’ve got a department with nothing to do and a TV studio at your disposal … might as well get to work on that nuclear attack PSA.
AOC says you didn’t hear much about the weeks she traveled in armored vehicles
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 10, 2022
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