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Future womanpriest 'Father Anne' says God is asking her to be ordained

Here’s a fun bit from the National Catholic Reporter: womanpriest “Father Anne” is set to be ordained in a couple of days, and she “blames” God for leading her toward ordination.


Jeannine M. Pitas reports:

When asked why she has chosen to be ordained as a Roman Catholic priest — thus breaking the Catholic Church’s ban on the ordination of women and crossing the threshold of formal excommunication — Anne Tropeano’s response is simple.

“God is asking me to do this,” she says. “God is calling me to be ordained in the Roman Catholic tradition and to work for justice.”

Tropeano, whose use of the moniker “Father Anne” has helped attract wide coverage of her coming Oct. 16 ordination ceremony from various secular media outlets, including The New Yorker magazine, portrays her choice as part of a long spiritual journey.

Tropeano’s ordination is being organized by the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests, which says there are now some 250 ordained women worldwide.



It’s not surprising this has been picked up by outlets like The New Yorker.


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