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'We should shame frequent fliers': The Nation says pre-pandemic travel habits must never be allowed to return

If there’s any frequent flier who should be shamed it should be climate czar John Kerry, but we doubt that’s who The Nation had in mind when it concluded that frequent fliers should be shamed. No, it’s your everyday American tourist who flies “on a whim” and whose climate footprint was shrunk by the coronavirus lockdown.


There’s a difference between shaming and not allowing; or, at least there is in our minds. Rafia Zakaria writes:

One way to prevent this is to stigmatize needless air travel. Several climate activists, including Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, have decided to forgo flying as a selfish activity that worsens the very crisis they’re trying to avert. In Sweden, the hypocrisy of traveling frequently by air while also claiming to care about the planet has birthed the flygskam (flight shame) movement, which uses peer pressure to embarrass those who gratuitously board planes.

America needs its own flight shame movement. A recent survey shows that 88 percent of Americans intend to travel in the next six months.

We love you Sweden, but you can keep Greta Thunberg and flygskam.




So, what’s this about “pre-pandemic travel habits must never be allowed to return”? We guess flight shaming is going to do it: “Saving the planet requires that we stop gaping and gawking at travel blogs and vacation selfies. Instead, everyone who cares about the environment should shame those who clamber onto an airplane every chance they get.”

OK, so we should hang out at airports and harass people?


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