We don’t normally do posts on Twitter randos unless the take is so hot that it needs airing out. We can’t find the post in our archives at the moment right now, but it reminds us of the woman who said poor people don’t need guns for defense because they have nothing to steal.
That’s how we feel about Democratically run cities; why would anyone live there? Maybe they lived there before everything went to hell but don’t have the means to leave.
You mean, on planet Earth?
— Fenix 'Kulak' Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) July 22, 2021
must be nice in your bubble in your guarded gated community
— 🇺🇸 JWinABQ 🇺🇸 (@JimW_in_NM) July 22, 2021
Jesus, my man. A whole lot of people can’t just pick up and move to a better neighborhood.
— Paul B. Kelly (@ImInSTL) July 22, 2021
Not everyone lives in gated communities.
— PetsareNOTdisposable 🇺🇸🐕🐈🐘🤦♀️☄ (@LrElias3) July 22, 2021
You know not everyone can afford to move to a safer place, right?
Or do you just look down on poor people?— Echo57 (@EchoFiveSeven) July 22, 2021
The only place without bad people is a place with no people.
— CB (@CB_556) July 22, 2021
You said "feel" AND "need".
That's totes adorable.
— J.G. Petruna (@jgpetruna) July 22, 2021
Rights over feelings.
— Btech (@Nomad_Wonderer) July 22, 2021
Same reason I have fire extinguishers in my home, 'cause shit happens.
— BullRush (@Bull_Rush4570) July 22, 2021
I don’t want to have car insurance, a fire extinguisher in my house, a hardhat at work, glasses to see, locks on my doors, but I have these things just in case I need them. I’d rather have and not need than need and not have.
— Michael Appleton (@AZSDFT) July 22, 2021
I don’t but I haven’t made it to the pearly gates yet and so have to deal with the reality of living among other fallen humans, some of whom may wish me harm, regardless of where I live.
— Elizabeth Sheehy (@elizamsheehy) July 22, 2021
Because bad people exist…
— WWPS_Sabrina🚁❌ (@Peaches_Sabrina) July 22, 2021
Still waiting for the day when mankind becomes incorruptible.
On that day, we can talk.
— Nalgas Güeras (@ImGoingInDry) July 22, 2021
Despite our best efforts, there are evil people out there (frequently released into the public despite prior crimes). They do not regard the rights or the lives of others. Instruction does not change them being in the environment. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.
— Another Monotreme (@PlatzLair) July 22, 2021
Because statistically the cops won’t get there for at least 15 minutes. Do you know what can happen to you in a 15 minute time frame? Cops don’t need to “protect” me. I’ll protect myself.
— Dooolaay (@dooolaay) July 22, 2021
I’ll take dangerous freedom over safe servitude any time.
— Haggis (@enognam) July 22, 2021
But I feel the need to carry a gun for protection everywhere, everyday, no days off.
I'll stop feeling the need when I get to Heaven. Until then, only I am responsible for my protection.
— Not blocked by @popehat (@rugerdude1) July 22, 2021
Imagine thinking there is anywhere with no crime
— Laney Leighton (@AELeighton2) July 22, 2021
I don’t want to live in Democrat areas, but sometimes I have to travel through them.
— Marlies “1833” Koekkler (@koekkler) July 22, 2021
Until evil douchebags no longer roam the Earth, personal protection is necessary.
— Lil’ Penguin 🐧 (@SckNTyrd) July 22, 2021
Because it smells like…freedom. If you don’t want to live in such a place, then by all means don’t. Go and find a place where you feel safe and leave me to defend myself at need.
— Robert the Bruce (@1314_bruce) July 22, 2021
Why would you want to live in a place where people feel like they have a right to dictate what you can and cannot do with your inalienable human rights?
— DeAnne Hernandez (@Deannemh) July 22, 2021
How about the woman who works swing shift, and has to leave work in the middle of the night and wait at a bus stop by herself? Is she allowed to have a gun to protect herself if a roving band of men (or just one pervert) decide to attack her? Just wondering.
— CommonSenseIsn'tCommonAnymore (@DCFanFirst) July 22, 2021
This is exactly how I feel about locks. Why would you want to live in a place where you feel the need to lock your doors for protection?
— Dime (@dimeinurear) July 22, 2021
This is the single whitest tweet I have ever read.
Consider that the VAST majority of gun charges are leveled against People of Color in high-crime, economically disadvantaged communities.
— Taylor Svehlak (@TaylorSvehlak) July 22, 2021
Those dumb poors, living in unsafe neighborhoods.
— AmishDude (@TheAmishDude) July 22, 2021
We live in a place where guns are needed. But still the best place in the world.
— Wes (@Wes81517447) July 22, 2021
Do you know what is going on in the streets? The answer is no.
— Mike Wagner (@wagbo521) July 22, 2021
Thankfully the right to keep and bear arms is Constitutionally protected.
— Vice President Elect Pete Athens (@athynz1) July 22, 2021
We think the original poster might be Canadian, so …
Have you seen the hell hole CA is becoming because they've chosen to not prosecute crimes? Do you know what happens when you defund the police?
— VolinAsheville (@spckahuna) July 22, 2021
I was a victim of violence from a man who entered my house without my permission while living in a “safe” area. There is no place on earth without evil human beings. I bought a gun legally and took lessons I will protect myself.
— Happy with my Life (@HappywithmyLif2) July 22, 2021
Because the world is a dangerous place. Humans are only top of the food chain because of guns. Go live in the woods without one and nobody for hundreds of miles. Then you will be in a place where you don't need a gun for people. See how you feel about it.
— Tim.Gremz (@ClasponGames) July 22, 2021
That sounds like a statement in support of locking up a lot of criminals.
— GrilledTomatoes (@TomatoesGrilled) July 22, 2021
Bad people will always be a thing.
Therefore, bad things happening will always be a thing.Best way to prevent bad things happening to you is to be prepared.
That includes arming yourself.— floopthevolcano (@floopthevolcano) July 22, 2021
Many actually DIDN'T live in a place where guns were needed protection. Then Marxist Democrat governors, mayors & city councils turned those cities over to violent Antifa & BLM mobs who them into shitholes. Shouldn't residents of shitholes deserve to protect themselves?
— InkyD (@inkyd62) July 22, 2021
You are free to live in a place that doesn't allow guns so if you move there the problem is solved.
— Steve, with a fist full of 16 pennies #Pathead (@Noone86595893) July 22, 2021
Why not just move to somewhere safe?
Hot take: Privileged liberal white males should buy guns, drop them off at minority community centers, and boom, gun control https://t.co/z9Dijb1Vpy
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 6, 2021
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