We’re back with another thread by Christopher Rufo, who this time around brings us some documents from California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum that presents the United States as a “Eurocentric, white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal, heteropatriarchal, and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.”
SCOOP: California's proposed "ethnic studies" curriculum calls for the "decolonization" of American society and has students chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. The solution, according to one author, is a "countergenocide" against white Christians.
Here's the story.?
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, based on the Marxist "pedagogy of the oppressed," instructs students to "challenge racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperialist/colonial beliefs" and critique "white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and oppression." pic.twitter.com/AUvaI9YiiO
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair, worked on the early American history material. In the references, he denounces the United States as a "Eurocentric, white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal, heteropatriarchal, and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.” pic.twitter.com/E7HYup9GKy
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
According to Cuauhtin, whites began "grabbing the land," "hatching hierarchies," and "developing for [whiteness]," which created "excess wealth" that "became the basis for the capitalist economy." Whites continue to subject minorities to "domestication" and “zombification." pic.twitter.com/tgYFWQEnHA
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
In a related "mandala," Cuauhtin claims that white Christians committed "theocide" against indigenous tribes, killing their gods and replacing them with Christianity. White settlers thus established a regime of “coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide.” pic.twitter.com/dAWxhpjIpr
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
The solution, according to the curriculum materials, is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” in a posture of “transformational resistance.” The ultimate goal, Cuauhtin says, is to engineer a "countergenocide" against whites. pic.twitter.com/KgndpbW3iT
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
It is kind of jarring how they managed to sneak “countergenocide” in with other goals like “protest movements and revolutions,” “anti-settler colonialism,” “queering,” “critical race theorizing,” and “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”
The curriculum includes an official "ethnic studies community chant," in which students appeal to the Aztec gods—including the god of human sacrifice—for the power to become "warriors" for "social justice." Students seek a "a revolutionary spirit" through these incantations. pic.twitter.com/PR5dQl6mSy
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
The state board of education will vote on this curriculum next week: if it passes, it will install the principles of critical race theory and its related ideologies into the state's 10,000 public schools, serving 6 million children. pic.twitter.com/YpvT6pWCOw
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
Here's the full story in City Journal:https://t.co/4OxSrBwWzb
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
California parents should be concerned. Under the guise of “equity” and “empowerment,” activists within the public education system have developed this radical new curriculum in order to transform California schools into factories for left-wing political activism. They have recast the United States as an oppressor nation that must be deconstructed and subverted through politics. The curriculum’s vision statement makes this aim explicit: it presents education not as a means of achieving competency, but as a “tool for transformation, social, economic, and political change, and liberation.”
P.P.S. My policy recommendation: radically decentralize the public school system and give parents the $15,000 a year per child to choose their own education. Families deserve the chance to educate their kids—not subject them to this taxpayer-funded poison.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 10, 2021
This one reads like intentional farce. It's hard to keep up with the descent into insanity
— High Horseman (@AHighHorseman) March 10, 2021
Thanks for keeping sane, finding all this garbage
— Irrelevant and Unqualified (@IrrelUnqua) March 10, 2021
I couldn’t believe it was real until I found the pictures source material on the California Department of Education website.https://t.co/LfdHtmROTq
— Steve Miller (@SteveMillerOC) March 10, 2021
Yes, it’s all available at this link, including suggested lesson plans like “#BlackLivesMatter and Social Change” and “The East L.A. Blowouts: An Anchor to the Chicano Movement.”
Oh, and we also stumbled upon the word “hxrstory” in there: “Ethnic Studies and this liberatory scale signify an inward gaze and, for many, the transition from being lost to becoming woke as a living part of hxrstory.”
Legislation to make this illegal is needed and needed quickly. No funding for these institutions and no access to grants, loans, or ability to participate in research.
— FoxworthForCongress (@FoxworthFor14) March 10, 2021
This won't end until the right case works its way to SCOTUS. They should hold that CRT and its derivations constitute a non-theistic religion, making its teaching in public school unconstitutional. We'll see.
— Chip (@bropedio) March 10, 2021
Has America ever been this fucked up?
— craig dd (@craigdo93326354) March 10, 2021
These are some sick puppies.
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 10, 2021
Bari Weiss writes about affluent parents organizing in secret against elite prep schools going ‘anti-racist’ https://t.co/dQmgdmYFPZ
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 10, 2021
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