OK, here’s a video inside a thread inside of another thread, so there’s some digging to do, but it’s worth it. We all know that CNN’s Brian Stelter watches Fox News all day and night (he even used it as “research” for his book on Fox News; nice side-hustle). What we didn’t know is that The Daily Beast’s Justin Baragona also monitors Fox News, and called out “Outnumbered’s” Kennedy for borrowing a phrase from Twitchy favorite Stephen Miller: “Tater’s gonna tater.”
During a Fox News segment complaining about how nasty and unfair the media is to conservatives, Kennedy literally compares Brian Stelter to a potato, calls him the "most despicable" media analyst in history, and says "he's not just ham-fisted, he is ham-headed." pic.twitter.com/LnRRoJYy4C
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
Are you okay?
— I got your #Unity right here (@jtLOL) December 22, 2020
Clarification: The transcript had "despicable" but Kennedy actually calls him the "most unsophisticated" media analyst in history.
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
We would have accepted either answer. Baragona wasn’t done with Fox News yet, though.
Fox News continues to sympathize with far-right protesters who threatened violence at the Oregon state capitol.
Emily Compagno: "Who can blame them? I’m not an advocate for violence, but it seems to me I’m not going to demonize their purpose here. How can you argue with this?" pic.twitter.com/g4Abbocp6I
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
Harris Faulkner: "They’ve been left no other course, but it does complicate your argument when you show up and it gets chippy…"
Lawrence Jones: "Well, you know, the gun-carrying doesn’t bother me. I’m in Texas right now at home, and everybody has a gun on them." pic.twitter.com/xbjz3Y27n9
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
This all comes after Fox News' Brian Kilmeade expressed support for the far-right rioters because "they’re not against America, they want to work in America.”
"What else can they do?!"Kilmeade added this morning.https://t.co/lUTY0dgod5
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
Fox correspondent Gillian Turner bemoans how "politics" have clouded the Swalwell story:
"Republicans saying Swalwell is a criminal, he had an affair with this woman based on no evidence."
Tucker has literally been running segments with the chyron: "The Spy That Shagged Me" pic.twitter.com/yrTtXPCjMl
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 22, 2020
Yeah, Tucker’s great. But if you want to argue about chyrons, you do not want to be on the side defending CNN.
Those aren’t even all of Baragona’s tweets. Stephen Miller, aka @redsteeze, compiled them all in one handy picture:
Every left leaning outlet is just Media Matters now. pic.twitter.com/t6KKPT8hBC
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 22, 2020
"Hey so I graduated from J-School. Here are my credentials. I'm interested in human rights stories. Holding the powerful accountable. Really getting down and digging deep to tell the stories you don't really find."
"Great, I'm going to need you to watch Fox News all day. Thanks"
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 22, 2020
They aren't even presenting evidence that Stelter isn't a potato. They should be defending spuds from this association.
— Charles DeGlopper (@bronzebarbarian) December 22, 2020
Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld would love to hear what all of these media hall monitors tell their families they do for a living.
Would love to hear them explain their job to relatives over Christmas. "I sit at home and watch this network i hate, and tweet about it." https://t.co/dDV4JeopVc
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) December 22, 2020
But @brianstelter is an unsophisticated pic.twitter.com/V3xlWprSZj
— Learn to Hammer (@DarrenP04525707) December 22, 2020
In fairness, it is indisputable that Stelter is a ?
— Steve (@SteveOB05) December 22, 2020
I might actually watch some Fox after seeing this. Great content.
— G-Wise (@ZachGWise) December 22, 2020
Brian Stelter’s rant on Fox News having a disproportionate amount of Hunter Biden coverage may be his worst yet based on the hilarious chyron usedhttps://t.co/mGQhO1e0Ay pic.twitter.com/hXMAXb85h3
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) December 15, 2020
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