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The outdoors is racist: It's going to take all of us coming together to topple these racist systems … of camping

We’re beginning to lose track of how many of these posts we’ve done on how National Parks are racist, camping is racist, the outdoors is racist. During President Obama’s administration, the Centennial Initiative (named for the 100-year anniversary of the National Park Service) noted that “Park Service law-enforcement vehicles look like those used by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and uniforms have law enforcement connotations, both of which present a significant impediment to engaging all Americans.”


In other words, park ranger uniforms looked kind of like law enforcement uniforms and were scaring away minorities.

Just last month, ABC News did a feature on the “existential crisis over race” facing National Parks, which remain “stubbornly white,” even though statistics showed that the makeup of visitors to National Parks almost perfectly mirrored the racial makeup of the country. Advocates for minorities enjoying the outdoors told ABC News they hoped George Floyd’s death in police custody brought attention “to systemic racism in the outdoors as well as other parts of society.”

The systemic racism in the outdoors.

Now the Los Angeles Times is on the case, and this time they’ve nailed down what it is that keeps minorities from camping: the high cost of entry. Camping equipment is so expensive, only whites can afford it apparently.

So what’s the story? Camper Mo Jackson set up a Venmo and a GoFundMe and started something called BIPOC Camping Kits with the aim of providing black, indigenous, and people of color with all they needed to go camping.


Topple the racist system of … buying a sleeping bag and a cooler?





It’s mid-August, so this might be the last “camping is racist” take we get until next summer.


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