There are a lot of people who are very excited about the idea of student loan forgiveness and free college. Their usual arguments go something like, if doctors discovered a cure for cancer, would you withhold it from the next generation just because yours didn’t have it? And then you try to explain with puppets and crayons that no one voluntarily applies to get cancer — school loans are a choice.
A lot of people who saved for college and paid back their student loans have wondered why they’re not getting a refund on the college tuition they paid, and one father got to ask Elizabeth Warren is he could have his money back. “Of course not.”
A Father confronts @SenWarren
Father : My daughter is in school, I saved all my money just to pay student loans Can I have my money back?
Warren: of course not
Father: so you want to help those who don't save any money and the ones that do the right thing get screwed?
— JiveBunny (@JiveBunnyMuzik) January 21, 2020
Socialists crack me up. On one hand they scream the loudest about fairness for all, while on the other hand, they are the first to slam the door on anyone who doesn't subscribe to their whacked out ideology, which in turn of course lines their pockets & helps make them very rich.
— Vaughn Stevens (@OuterMutant) January 21, 2020
Didn’t Warren make upwards of $400,000 for teaching two courses during her last four semesters at Harvard? Is she giving that money back because college should be free?
Shes such a socialist that she doesnt understand the point the guy was making …
— David Francis (@Dfran1000David) January 21, 2020
Welcome to Socialist party. Where is this man’s rights? He sacrificed time away from his family to give his daughter a better life. He missed out of her life by working another job. He deserves reparations from Democrats.
— Sir James (@sirjamesbmore) January 23, 2020
Pay close attention people. This is exactly what socialism looks like. It fails because everyone stops contributing and everyone keeps taking. Eventually every single person ends up flat broke on welfare dependent on the government who cannot provide anything to anyone.
— JS (@GreyCatTweet) January 22, 2020
The entire Dem platform, in one tweet.
This is why i oppose the entire idea, its unfairly benefit their direct constituency and screws over everyone else.
They want to buy the votes thru pandering and tell the rest of us who worked for it we don't count.— Roger C (@floplag) January 23, 2020
This is why people will never prosper. If I can see those around me move up, why would I be mad? I don't get this mentality.
— imManuel Kant (@MannyCYC) January 22, 2020
She doesn’t get it
— Jon Wirth (@jon_wirth) January 21, 2020
I'm this guy but with 6 kids, all with college degrees, none with student loans. Lots of things got removed from my bucket list to do it.
— TOM CAPLIS (@pushrodv8) January 22, 2020
I made my loan payments. I want my money back too.
— cathi byrne (@cathibyrne) January 22, 2020
My wife and I saved and sent our kids to private school because the government schools are so bad – we also managed to save for college and we are paying for that too – I guess we’re the suckers
— Meninist (@markrmorley) January 22, 2020
Democrats would rather reward bad behavior than self reliance. It rallies their base.
— Jill Patton (@JillPat93136485) January 22, 2020
Not necessarily bad behavior, but they want to reward anything that increases citizen reliance on government. Without that reliance, they are a dead party walking.
— Doug Meredith (@DNMCTESales) January 23, 2020
Taxpayer backed student loans a scam to transfer money to lazy liberal limousine professors
Let colleges and universities guarantee the loans— Pam Simson (@PamSimson) January 22, 2020
Just what we need to be saying to these whack a doodles who think they can just magic wand away debt. All they do is spread it around (like manure) for everyone else to pay in taxes. We work & saved hard & made hard choices so our kids could go to college. Your choice – your debt
— Kathleen Kauth (@KathleenKauth) January 21, 2020
MASSIVE slap in the face to every responsible American that lived frugally in order to repay their student loans, which they took out VOLUNTARILY to pay for a useful degree that would eventually pay for itself, with hard work and dedication. Democrats=evil.
— herbsuperb (@herbsuperb2) January 23, 2020
People who “do the right thing” won’t vote for her and she knows it. She doesn’t care about you!
— Max Sutherburg (@Max_Sutherburg) January 22, 2020
But those who borrowed from the big bad government get a bailout along with illegals getting free education. What is this guy so mad about? Seems totes legit to me! NOT.
— LQUz#A (@LouiseJune18) January 21, 2020
EVERYTHING about their platform is hypocritical.
— MsL (@SoCaleniw) January 21, 2020
My daughter is a 4th grader so senator should We stop saving now and use that money for something else? NO, because that would be irresponsible. She’s my kid, my responsibility, I would not place that burden on someone else.
— Jean Lopez ??/?? (@JeanC_L) January 22, 2020
Wow – not a word he said registered with her. She's in her own world.
— Cheryl B (@Cheryl707) January 23, 2020
That is exactly correct. Those of us who pay our loans see no relief except that we paid them ourselves. The entitled brats want to go to school, get degrees that don’t hold careers, and then flip out when they have thousands of dollars in student loans, and want free money.
— Charlette Small (@CharletteSmall8) January 22, 2020
I feel for him. That father could've delayed retirement saving or lifestyle spending so their child can go to college. It's a slap in the face for many people who sacrificed for their kids.
— JP ? Blockbuster Refugee (@blackbelt_jp) January 22, 2020
This is pure gold.
— SouthernMom (@madams3196) January 22, 2020
This should be a Superbowl commercial!!
— Mike Belanger (@trumprules2929) January 22, 2020
— Conservative mom?? (@smurfettefla) January 23, 2020
That is just the tip of the iceberg with her plan. What about future college loans. 1.6 trillion dollars in student loan debt, where will that money come from? Not really much of a plan!
— RJ Odor (@odor_rj) January 23, 2020
High five to that guy….
— antonio (@acrezzz) January 21, 2020
She rudely blew him off
— tifinblm (@tifinblm) January 21, 2020
She had to get to her precious “selfie” line probably.
Systemic leadership deficiencies…
— Scott Roby (@Roby1Canob) January 22, 2020
Warren is a say anything for votes, do nothing politician. Can't stand up to a citizen but wants the power to negotiate with world leaders. It's effen comedy. Total fraud.
— S (@SherDTurn) January 21, 2020
She is bleeding votes. She is not what America wants. Has anyone told her?
— AustinView (@AustinView01) January 23, 2020
She is not presidential material.
— Margaux R. (@MargauxR15) January 21, 2020
She could always go back to Harvard if they’re looking for minority applicants.
Self-awareness level = 1/1024: Elizabeth Warren just ‘disqualified herself before the first vote was cast’
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 20, 2020
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