As Twitchy reported Friday, Democratic activist Alyssa Milano was having a fit when people were trying to bring the abortion of innocent babies into her discussion of the five *actual* people who are slated for execution by the Department of Justice. Never mind what these *actual* people have done. If you oppose the death penalty, the crimes of which these *actual* people were found guilty might even get you to reconsider.
Here’s an especially hot take, though: Are Native Americans represented disproportionately represented on Death Row? They make up only 2 percent of the population and yet 20 percent of the people currently scheduled for execution.
Native Americans are 2% of the US population and 20% of the ppl currently slated to be executed by Department of Justice. #DeathPenalty
— Rebecca Nagle (@rebeccanagle) July 26, 2019
And here’s where the math comes in: What’s 20 percent of 5?
Translation: 1 person
— Fuzzy Dunlop (@FuzzyDunlop235) July 27, 2019
It’s literally one person. One.
— Orange Muppet Energy (@sunnyright) July 27, 2019
One dude. That is the cause of your deceptive 20%. Should he have immunity because of his heritage?
— Vincent Veritas (@TVincentVeritas) July 27, 2019
ONE man, and he murdered two natives. One was a little girl.
— the OG ice bae ?☠️❄️ (@ceruleetheblue) July 27, 2019
So… a single person.
— Sween (@sweenprs) July 27, 2019
So one person out of five.
— Rich Dunsheath (@rdunsheath) July 27, 2019
Just so everyone can be clear about how much of a race baiting pos human Rebecca is — when she says 20%, she's neglecting to mention that it's one person out of 5.
1 out of 5 is indeed 20 %
— Treasure Trove of Memes (@BetelgeuseEpsil) July 27, 2019
What a take.
It’s one guy.
And he really should have avoided being a child murdering douchewhore.
I’m not generally in favor of the death penalty but I get fuzzy when the person murders kids…
— SherlockT (@SherlockTowers) July 27, 2019
You can count to 1, color me impressed.
— Just Pelé (@Just_Pele) July 27, 2019
What did he do?
— Joe Pilot, MD (@JoeSilverman7) July 27, 2019
He brutally murdered a 63 year old woman and her 9 year old granddaughter.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 27, 2019
The woman and child victims were 100% of the people he slaughtered.
— Attila the Honeybun (@TimMansplainsIt) July 27, 2019
There are honestly people in the comments calling this “genocide” and “sadly disproportionate” and we desperately want to believe they’re being sarcastic.
We see what you did here. Next time, try transparency.
— Proud Deplorable (@HKirsh1) July 27, 2019
I love your use of statistics here…?
— Roll Tide! (@shnikies78) July 27, 2019
You are 100% of the people I think uses statistics in a misleading way on twitter today.
— Michael Harmon (@vivabuck) July 27, 2019
Thanks for showing how misleading numbers can be manipulated when used by misleading people.
— Fexil Starface (@SithLordFelix) July 27, 2019
This is possibly the stupidest use of 'statistics' ever on Twitter..
— PixelCrises01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 (@P01100101) July 27, 2019
This deliberately deceptive tweet makes perfect sense, now that I've checked your bio and discovered which publications you write for.
— Dagan K (@dagank4) July 27, 2019
"Alexa, what's a 'sample size fallacy'?"
— Alex Jeffries ? (@the1codemonkey) July 27, 2019
I'm proud my parents didn't raise me to be a manipulative, dishonest snake
— Speech≠Violence (@Truthiness4U) July 27, 2019
Men are 50% of the population, and 100% of the people slated to be executed. If there is any hope of reaching true equality, we need to work to close the federal gender execution gap.
— Butch Crassidy (@butchcrassidyxl) July 27, 2019
This blend of political opportunism and stupid needs way more of a ratio. Happy to oblige ?
— Mike (@M_P_Anto) July 27, 2019
You too can help Linda Sarsour understand the difference between abortion and the death penalty
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 15, 2019
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