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PinkNews sends out a warning that GOP legislators want to clamp down on child drag shows

Honestly, we had no idea that children and drag queens and child drag queens were going to be a thing when we first wrote about it, but even “Good Morning America” has played host to an 11-year-old drag queen (good morning, America!) and Drag Queen Story Time, founded in San Francisco, now has 42 official chapters in public libraries across the country (now child-molester free!).


PinkNews filed its report back in April, but for some reason has reposted Thursday its warning that Republican lawmakers in Ohio are trying to make child drag shows illegal.

Thank you for the reminder; we’ll sleep better tonight.

Nick Duffy reports:

Republican lawmakers in Ohio have filed a bill that would clamp down on drag performances by minors as “child exploitation.”

Ohio representative Tim Schaffer has proposed a bill in the state legislature seeking to clamp down on performances by “a child under eighteen years of age or a mentally or physically handicapped child under twenty-one years of age,” in a response to a performance by a nine-year-old drag queen.

Offenders could face up to six months in prison and a $1000 fine, while violations of the law could lead to venues being stripped of their liquor licenses.

“Stripped of their liquor licenses,” meaning that these child drag shows are being held in bars and nightclubs, not in mom’s backyard.


If only that worked, abortion would be history too.


Great, great point.


Hey Twitter, didn’t your new rules say something about child sexual exploitation not being allowed?


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