Twitchy has been reporting all day that Rep. Eric Swalwell was pulling out of the Democratic race for president, and he finally made it official at a press conference in his home state of California. It looks like consistently polling at 0 percent before and after the debates was a sign to call it quits.
JUST IN: @EricSwalwell ends his 2020 presidential bid. "There will be a time that everything is over. That will be the beginning. Today ends our presidential campaign, but it is the beginning of an opportunity in Congress … to bring that promise of America to all Americans."
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) July 8, 2019
.@ericswalwell makes it official: He announces at a press conference at a local union hall in California that he's ending his presidential bid. "We have to be honest about our own candidacy and viability … Today ends our presidential campaign." He's running again in #CA15
— Zach Montellaro (@ZachMontellaro) July 8, 2019
Eric Swalwell speaking in CA: "Today ends our presidential campaign." He says running for president was not "a vanity project," and he wanted to run to win.
— Rebecca Buck (@RebeccaBuck) July 8, 2019
"I want to thank the media… … you're not the enemy of the people," Swalwell adds.
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) July 8, 2019
As everyone knows, Swalwell had made gun control the center of his platform right out of the gate, introducing policies such as instituting mandatory gun buy-backs and nuking gun owners who refused to surrender their Second Amendment rights.
With Swalwell’s campaign burning out so quickly, we thought we’d share a tweet of his from last week, in which he took credit for “moving the needle” on gun buy-backs at the debate. So if you want of list of people with equally bad ideas, here you go:
We were able to get Biden, Sanders, and Harris to support our #BanAndBuyback plan at last week's debate. We are moving the needle to end gun violence.
— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) July 6, 2019
people blindly supporting a plan with no details, or quotes taken out of context?
— Christopher Hindle ???? (@HindlesKitchen) July 6, 2019
You dummy they’re taking your thing and leaving you behind when they should just be leaving you behind
— ??????Clapping for Jeb 2020 ?????? (@LaughingAtMemes) July 7, 2019
Joe “Buy a Shotgun” Biden, to use his favorite word, literally seems to be trying to lose the nomination, and we have to laugh at Kamala Harris’s answer — his idea for mandatory gun buy-backs is a great one, and we should have a national conversation about it while my staff check the polling.
If Harris wants to have that conversation, let’s have it … again.
How's it a buyback if you never owned it?
— Former World Heavyweight Champion Omar Lee (@lamarls) July 6, 2019
Great point. I think it's all that paste Eric eats that's affecting his brain.
— It's not Megan Kelly (@RUSSBARNES) July 6, 2019
Doesn’t make it any better of an idea #SwalwellSucks
— Joshua Snyder (@Snyderator55) July 6, 2019
Not for sale
— z (@DeadFretZ) July 6, 2019
Tyrants, which one you buying back?
— theFreeSavage?? (@free_savage) July 6, 2019
Mine have been passed down since the 1870s — try to take them.
— cmbwsu (@cmbwsu1) July 7, 2019
You know, if our state didn't already have all the gun laws that you want and still be in the 16th position in homicides, I'd consider what you have to say. But, I know that the only gun control that works is judicious marksmanship. It is all about control, nothing else.
— chuckplumberUSA (@ChuckplumberU) July 8, 2019
80 million citizens will not comply.
What next?
— Semper Vigiles (@keck553) July 8, 2019
You're not even moving the needle off of 0 percent
— Scott C (@ScottC20012) July 6, 2019
Hahaha, it's hardly a surprise that you're all trying to out-left each other with increasingly extreme idiocy.
No borders, taxpayer funded health care for everyone on the planet, and infringing on constitutionally protected rights. You're making Trump's re-election a certainty.
— Remington M (@mcflacid) July 6, 2019
You mean where they changed their minds the day after the debate? You must think people are stupid.
— NG (@RS3TX) July 6, 2019
Gun confiscation will not happen Swally! #2A is a Constitutional right.
— Squawking 7700 ?? (@materc17) July 6, 2019
Cant buy back what you never owned. You are a moron. You celebrated Independence Day. That wouldve never happened had you been around in 1776.
— Bruman38 (@bruman38) July 7, 2019
Not going to happen chump
— Just a Republican who pounces (@Jane95851049) July 6, 2019
Nope. Even if Biden managed to stumble back into the White House, he had eight years to attempt a stunt like this and never did — the America he pictured was every citizen firing a shotgun blindly through the front door at any hint of a threat.
Hahaha. Weak. You plan to buy our guns with tax money extorted from us? Hahaha Go away Eric.
— Bobby T (@Bob30695092) July 7, 2019
.@ericswalwell it was nice having you in the circus!
Iowa gun owners can now rest assured that instead of nuking them, you decided to nuke your own campaign. #IACaucus
— 2020 Democratic Circus (@2020DemCircus) July 8, 2019
He is going away; well, back to California, anyway. If you re-elect this clown, you deserve him.
The coveted 'Swalwell endorsement' is IN PLAY. =>
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) July 8, 2019
I can't help but look at people like Swalwell and shake my head in baffled horror at how they manage to do this. ?
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 8, 2019
‘As God is my witness…’: Iowahawk has the PERFECT epitaph for Eric Swalwell’s presidential campaign
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 8, 2019
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