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Ben Shapiro called it: Story of man's attempt to run down Jews with his car 'dies a quick death'

A video made the rounds Monday showing a man trying to run down Jews near a Los Angeles synagogue with his car:


Ben Shapiro predicted the media’s reaction Monday night:

Despite a supposed “surge” in right-wing terrorism, police apprehended the suspect, 32-year-old Mohamed Mohamed Abdi, who doesn’t appear to be a right-winger at all but a U.S. citizen born in Mogadishu, Somalia. If you search Twitter’s verified accounts for news coverage, though, all you get is tweets from a bunch of “anti-Muslim extremists,” Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and Melanie Phillips among them.

For the record, the New York Post did cover the story Tuesday.


The media have been doing plenty of pieces about anti-Semitism being on the rise under the Trump administration … remember after the Tree of Life massacre when the New York Times Magazine asked if Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump “are good for the Jews”?

So it’s funny how this story has dropped off the radar; actually, it never was on the radar.


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