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Angry mob? Restaurant owner called a Nazi sympathizer for renting a room to Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn

Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn tweeted her thanks to the owner of a restaurant that hosted a meet-and-greet event for her and suffered an ugly backlash on social media because of it.


We know the media doesn’t like to use the “M-word” when Democrats exercise their right to protest, but Blackburn had no problem calling the radical Left an angry mob. And her case also proves that an angry mob can form on social media.

The Wilson Post reports:

Courtney’s Restaurant and Catering owner Tom Courtney said he’s experienced a strong social media backlash because he rented the event room at his Mt. Juliet business to U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn on Saturday.

Courtney said he’s been called a Nazi, an abuser, had his life threatened and said his staff has been verbally attacked.

Hundreds of posters on social media said they would boycott his restaurant because it was a local venue to Blackburn, who is running for a seat in the U.S. Senate against former Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen.

The restaurant owner said he posted a picture of Blackburn on social media and thanked the candidate for coming to Mt. Juliet. The backlash was immediate.

“I was called a Nazi sympathizer of all things,” he said. “It’s hurt my business, my staff, me and my family. I’ve never seen grown people, or whoever is hidden behind the screens, act in such a manner. I have partners.”


Why is this not surprising? You might recall that the same thing happened to a Tex-Mex restaurant owner who dared to post on social media a photo of himself with customer Jeff Sessions.

But hey, the restaurant owner asked for it, right?

Bless your heart.




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