In case you missed it, and you probably did, walkouts were scheduled Monday to protest the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As you know, we try to avoid picking on Twitter randos, and especially not minors, but this tweet has been making the rounds because of the tough guy talk that sounds a lot like defamation.
We walked out today because NOT all high school boys are rapists like #Kavanaugh and because, unlike the gop senate, we #BelieveSurvivors
Thank you Dr Christine Ford for standing up
— Jack Torres (@JackTorres00) September 24, 2018
Don’t thank Dr. Ford quite yet…
Oh i didn’t realize Ford had testified
— Eagleboy ? (@eaglesrock777) September 25, 2018
Don’t think this was proven.
— Linda Cook Filipp (@Faye422) September 25, 2018
Oh, and not even Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of raping her. You boys might want to learn the word “alleged,” even if it doesn’t even apply here.
Little to no proof that he's guilty of any accusations made by Ford, wasn't even accused of rape, plenty of proof to the contrary that he's completely innocent, but yeah…
Y'all are heroes for taking a selfie and tweeting a hashtag based off a thin narrative.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) September 25, 2018
Young people are calling him a “rapist.” Hey Jack, even she didn’t accuse him of that. Don’t think this can’t happen to you. You are one lie away from it. #BelieveTheTruth
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) September 25, 2018
You need a lesson in due process and the American legal system. In America, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. Mob rule will not be tolerated or prevail! #Kavanaugh
— Walter Spacher (@WaltSpacher2044) September 25, 2018
What kind of people believe a story that hasn't been told under oath? What kind of people believe an accuser when every witness named denies it occurred even their close friends deny it? Children believe in fairy tales adults believe in evidence.
— RidingtheWave (@boboncvn70) September 25, 2018
So you are ready to throw out due process and condemn someone before guilt has been proven?
— Lori Johnston (@TheRealLoriJ) September 24, 2018
Does Mr Kavanaugh not get a trial or have Soy boys already decided his guilt? #Idiots
— ?? Pete voted out! ?? (@skisdad) September 25, 2018
Facts: he had 6 FBI background checks. There is no statute of limitation in MD, why has she not filed charges? And on the presumption of innocence : Even at the work place it exists. If you are accused of sexual misconduct or stealing… you will receive due process geniuses.
— hypocratsgalore (@hypocratsgalore) September 25, 2018
Someone teach these young men one of the most important parts of democracy is innocent until proven guilty. It is a greater crime unto America to trick our youth into believing guilty until proven innocent than any of the shameless acts pulled so far. All parents must intervene.
— Paul (@powerlinep) September 25, 2018
This is absolute nonsense.
You believe, “survivors”?
Hate to break it to you fine fellows.
But, it’s about, “facts & evidence,” gentleman.
Not, “belief.”
Don’t they teach you about “critical, independent thinking” in school anymore?
Think for yourselves.
Do not follow, “the mob.”— John P. Riccardi (@jpmriccardi) September 25, 2018
I hope no one ever makes a false accusation against you!
— Texan-American (@tex_american79) September 25, 2018
Do these dopes ever consider the fact that someone could just accuse them of something and have no proof and people would believe the other person and not them?
— scot carpenter (@scot1966) September 25, 2018
I hope you're not accused of something in your life by a woman with an agenda.
— ❌Laura Shirley?? (@IamSeerious) September 24, 2018
You might think a little differently if you were accused of something, the accuser was automatically believed, and you were assumed guilty before being given a chance to defend yourself. And imagine you were actually innocent.
— Cathy Patterson (@CP6Patt) September 25, 2018
Some of you need to look at this from a differing perspective, questioning accusations doesn’t mean you support sexual assault…it’s simply the responsible thing to do. Heaven help you if 30 years from now someone accuses you and people want to ruin your life with zero proof.
— xCaZx (@xCaZx1) September 25, 2018
But I say you are rapists. I don't remember where you raped me or how I got there, but you did rape me. People will believe me, right? Now, I have to go tell your school so they will kick you out. #BelieveSurvivors
— Tica Patty (@plockwood65) September 25, 2018
Look, good for you guys for standing up for what you believe in and all, but let me ask… what if you are wrong? The problem is, your mind is made up, and you have no evidence supporting it. So even if he can prove he is innocent, people like this will never believe it.
— Nick C. (@MayBNxtYrInCLE) September 25, 2018
You seem like a sincere kid and I appreciate that. The problem with this lies in the fact that you have no proof to validate your claims. You can have an opinion, but you know absolutely zero about what happened. Go back to class and learn about how the law works.
— Bob Shank (@BobShank999) September 25, 2018
If you want to be hard and to stand for something, join the service.
— Johnny (@JohnnyH617) September 25, 2018
What did they walk out of anyway?
Was it gym? I bet it was gym.
But way to stand up for what you believe in. I walked out of school once; I don't really remember what it was for but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm a hero and not because I didn't like school.
— Intersectional Snark Web (@Sexismisme) September 25, 2018
Or it must be climg the rope day.
— Dea Marie (@DeaMarie187) September 25, 2018
Good call … apparently, it was gym class they walked out of.
Also wanted to add that our gym teacher asked why we were walking out, we told him to stand in solidarity with victims of sexual assault and dr ford. He replied “are you fucking kidding me?”
this is america
— Jack Torres (@JackTorres00) September 24, 2018
— Nick Searcy, INTERNATIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR (@yesnicksearcy) September 25, 2018
Good for the gym teacher. No kidding. These kids are clueless punk-ass clowns.
— Matthew Betley (@MatthewBetley) September 25, 2018
'Holy WOW if this is true!' Wait, is THIS why Michael Avenatti locked his Twitter account?
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 25, 2018
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