The Washington Post on Monday filed its take on Pope Francis’s comments on DACA under “analysis,” and that was probably a wise choice — progressives in particular are always anxious to run with their take on whatever the pope might say, hoping he’ll eventually come out as pro-choice.
Here’s for example, is the Huffington Post’s quick take on the pope’s words, certainly worth a few clicks:
Pope Francis on climate change denial: "Man is stupid"
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) September 12, 2017
And here’s the Washington Post:
Analysis: Pope Francis wants Trump to expand his definition of "pro-life" to include protecting DACA recipients
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 11, 2017
So, it’s difficult to tell from the Post’s coverage exactly how fine a line there was between what Pope Francis said and DACA in particular … and, regardless, President Trump threw all that up into the air anyway last week when he tweeted he’d “revisit” DACA is Congress didn’t pass the DREAM Act.
So, what did the pope say, exactly? Here’s the Post’s interpretation:
Pope Francis is urging the president to rethink a decision [DACA] that the religious leader fears could tear families apart.
“If he is a good pro-life believer, he must understand that family is the cradle of life and one must defend its unity,” Francis said during an in-flight news conference en route to the Vatican from Colombia.
Removing children from families “isn’t something that bears fruit for either the youngsters or their families.”
“I hope they rethink it a bit,” the pope said. “Because I heard the U.S. president speak: He presents himself as a person who is pro-life.”
There, then, is the seed of the Post’s line, “The pope says Trump can’t be both ‘pro-life’ and ‘anti-DACA'” — and if he can’t be, you certainly can’t either.
There’s hope, though: Daily Caller reporter Kerry Picket had another take worth considering:
Essentially, the left wants DACA recipients to be treated as unborn children of non-citizen parents who are eventually born in the U.S.
— Kerry Picket (@KerryPicket) September 12, 2017
Call it late-term immigration. Crazy, isn’t it, how the parents who made the decision to bring their children to the U.S. illegally are continually left out of that “cradle of life” when it comes time to consider why we are where we are today.
In another odd instance, Reuters decided to pair a photo of the pope, most definitely speaking to reporters aboard the papal plane, about the certainty of all of them “going down” … on 9/11.
Pope says humanity will 'go down' if it does not address climate change
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 11, 2017
In a plane??? Is that really the best time???
— Ashley law (@Ashleydesmeules) September 12, 2017
'go down' is not the best phrase to use on an airplane
— Michael Sautter (@sautter) September 12, 2017
This makes it look like he just stood up on a plane and started yelling about it like a crazy person.
— Appellate District of Your Mom (@lawdicrous) September 11, 2017
Per the dateline, Pope called for climate action "ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE." Unmentioned: jet travel is a rapidly worsening CO2 source.
— John Ryan (@heyjohnryan) September 12, 2017
Maybe it was a “prop” plane. *rimshot*
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