Conservative high school student CJ Pearson decided to make a video about the #MarchForOurLives rallies taking place across the nation. The best part of Pearson’s video? He uses facts — you know, the thing that Democrats really hate — and history to explain why the Second Amendment is vital to the American way of life.
My generation is full of snowflakes who have been duped into believing that the 2nd amendment should be discarded so here’s a quick history lesson. #MarchForOurLives
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) March 24, 2018
Pearson is ON POINT.
Look at history. Look at what happened to the unarmed citizenry. Our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in place to protect Americans from a tyrannical government. They feared a powerful government. Taking away that fundamental right goes against everything America stands for.
Keep talking CJ….We have real smart kids…Yes..lots of snowflakes…But because of you…MANY WILL LISTEN!!! #MAGA #Guns #GunFreeZonesKill
— Elizabeth✌❤?? (@ElizabethUSA13) March 24, 2018
CJ is proof that not all teenagers are Snowflakes.
CJ! Hurry up and grow!lol!You're going far young man!Never give up those core values!
— Very Stable Genius AnnieFoutz (@anniefoutz) March 24, 2018
And never let them berate you either.
Facts don't care about your feelings.~Ben Shapiro
— Andrew Love (@VictoryInLove) March 24, 2018
Did you hear that, Dems? FACTS >>>>> feelings.
Very well stated CJ. Keep up the good work. Those students who want to give up the 2nd Amendment should first spend time in oppressed countries. Then they will see the light.
— BacKYardPolitics (@YardBac) March 24, 2018
They’ll also realize the First Amendment isn’t protected in other countries.
More kids should learn history. Because those who fail to learn history are destined to repeat it.
And then there were those gun control advocates who had to try and trash CJ.
Heaven forbid there’s a free-thinking youngster out there.
No snowflakes in DC today. Cherry blossoms are blooming and young life is going to win out. You need to wake up to reality.
— Marguerite (@retiringart) March 24, 2018
What do cherry blossoms have to do with anything? Suddenly they’re connected to politics?
Say whaaat?
What is the “logic” in owning a tool
*designed to kill with ease*
if you have no intention of taking a life?
We don’t need guns to live in a civil society, in fact they are hindering us.
Why do you think the ability to kill is so valued if it’s illegal to kill people?— Arjun Adamson (@ArjunAdamson) March 24, 2018
Guns are used for more than “killing with ease.”
Shooting sports
Target practice
It’s illegal to kill people, but self-defense is legal. Clearly liberals don’t know the difference.
I hate to break it to you, but you’re the snow flake. It takes more courage and bravery to stand for change even if it is rooted in the fabric of our country. It takes strength to stand against tradition. You tweet, and make videos. You stand on one side, blinded by a large pic.
— nevinrobi (@nevinrobi) March 24, 2018
It takes more bravery to stand against the grain like CJ is doing than to go with the wind.
Th let problem is that the @NRA and the @FoxNews pushes the narrative you are sharing that the left wants to abolish the second amendment. That’s not what’s being advocated. It’s common sense reform to keep weapons of mass devistation out of the hands of unfit people.
— Tim Livermore (@TacomaChiefsFan) March 24, 2018
Except when people say “ban all semi-automatic weapons” they’re wanting to basic abolish all guns. Know why? Because 99% of guns ARE semi-autos. See how that works?
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