Allie Beth Stuckey, better known as the Conservative Millennial, proposed an interesting question to gun control advocates: why does someone have to hate America in order to want gun control?
It’s a reasonable question considering the number of crazy signs we saw during #NationalSchoolWalkoutDay earlier this morning.
Even as a 2A advocate, I could've almost given kudos to the #nationalschoolwalkoutday kids for protesting something they believe in, until I saw kids 1) holding signs likening the KKK to the NRA & USA & 2) burning the flag.
Why does gun control advocacy equal hating America?
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) March 14, 2018
Yeaaaah. No. Not how that works.
You don’t take away rights just because a person doesn’t want to utilize them.
Uh, yes. But I'm not talking about banning these kids from protesting or saying stupid stuff; you guys are talking about banning guns. Not a smart comparison.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) March 14, 2018
That’s the GREAT thing about America. We ALL have a choice. And there are millions of people who don’t agree with your choice, Mr. Hedlin.
It would probably be safer if a lot less people choose to exercise their first amendment right too…
What do you think causes more gun violence, lawful gun owners, or toxic words and identity politics…
— grandmasterub (@aceofclubbs) March 15, 2018
Tyranny is often cloaked in security to make it more palatable to the unsuspecting masses.
— FounderWords (@Founderwords) March 15, 2018
If you look at history, it’s very obvious that they start by disarming citizens. The government does this so the people can’t fight back.
Remember the saying: those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Kind of puts their motives in question doesn't it?
— S. Alabama Nobody⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@SAlabamaNobody) March 15, 2018
It also makes you wonder if these kids really have motives or if they’re walking out to “keep up with the Joneses.” Are they giving into peer pressure or are they protesting by their own free will? Are they walking out of classrooms because it’s become the “cool thing” to do?
Someone should tell these ill informed children that the NRA was started to teach African Americans how to use firearms so they could protect themselves from the KKK. By the way, the men under the white hoods were Democrats!
— Karen S. Bowers (@ksbowers70) March 15, 2018
That would be REAL damning to their cause.
IMO, it's because it's not even (really) about gun control. It IS, as you said, about hating America, as well as chipping away at our culture, our sovereignty, our Constitutional rights and our ability – unique in all the world – to be our OWN fully-empowered masters.
— Marie von Astra (@marievonastra) March 15, 2018
They’re trying to completely change America. And this is JUST the beginning.
I have no idea why you all think that expressing yourself through actions done to objects = hating America. Why would you waste your time and energy trying to improve something that you hate? Makes no sense.
— Sarah (@localsoutherner) March 15, 2018
Riddle us this: if these kids who protested didn’t hate America then why did they burn the American flag? Why are they comparing law-abiding gun owners to the KKK?
It’s easy to say “this person is a racist and a member of the KKK” when they don’t agree with you. Just because you believe it doesn’t make it fact.
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