Now that Congressional Republicans are talking about repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Democrats are complaining about the potential loss of Obama’s signature legislation. Of course, that makes Republicans extremely evil.
GOP #FixingHealthCare is like the mob fixing their competition. Don't get sick. If you do, die quickly.
— Karen Sayers (@kesayers) January 13, 2017
Now every Republican is a mobster. Makes perfect sense.
The Republicans and Donald Trump are #FixingHealthCare and they will give you something Terrific to replace it!
— The Tweetwit ? (@TheTweetwit) January 13, 2017
How does improving a flawed law equal death? Can someone please enlighten me?
If you consider punishing people via a fine for not having healthcare because they can’t afford it, then yup, Obamacare is definitely a major accomplishment.
#FixingHealthCare #SaveACA Republitarians want you to either be rich, stay healthy, or die quickly, lest you impact their profits.
— Prolecat (Under His Eye) (@prolecat84) January 13, 2017
Yes, Republicans just want everyone to die a slow, painful death. *eye roll*
The GOP is "pro-life" when it comes to the unborn, but "pro-death" when it comes to #FixingHealthCare. DON'T REPEAL OBAMACARE, IMPROVE IT!
— #RemoveTrump (@Blue______Wave) January 13, 2017
Heaven forbid people want to have a say in their healthcare. Suddenly the GOP just hates people living!
People w/Mental illness will suffer without coverage of pre-existing conditions, isn't that what @NRA blames for mass shootings #saveaca
— Kay (@kay_Curiouser) January 13, 2017
That’s a pretty loose connection…
#FixingHealthCare It's not about #Obamacare or the #ACA It's about #HealthInsurance companies #overcharging customers & facilities
— ḊḀṙṮḧ ṏḊḀ℠ (@DarthOda) January 13, 2017
At least someone understands the real reasoning behind the change.
Now we wait to see what kind of meltdown will take place as President-elect Trump and the Republicans inch closer to repealing and replacing Obama’s signature legislation, all in the name of improving our nation.
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