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J.K. Rowling Continues to Be Enemy Number One to the Left With Her Animal Anecdotes


Nothing brings us more joy than to see trans-radical activists enraged over a J.K. Rowling Post on X. She joined in on a post by another X user fighting back against the claims that same-sex bathrooms and safe spaces for women are somehow transphobic or hurtful to trans women by illustrating the issue perfectly using her literary skills as only she can.


It started with this post:

First of all, nobody is saying gender-neutral bathrooms ARE a problem. The argument is to have a gender-neutral one as well as a space that is safe for biological women only. This should not be a hard concept: If the bathroom is gender-neutral, that is fine. Women will go in knowing it is not safe from male genitalia, but it does not negate the need for women to have spaces where they can change, use the restroom, or seek assistance from abusive partners that are safe from a peeping penis popping out.

The statement did not go without pushback from others.

This was when Rowling stepped in to prove her mastery of the English language.


BRAVO! We are not sure why the Left does not grasp the concept that some women do have issues around sexual assault that require some spaces where they can be sure they are safe from biological males. They seem to think this feeling is somehow a slight against trans-women, but it is not. 

We can understand the need for a trans-woman to have a space as well as the need for biological women to have safe spaces that do not allow biological males into their shelters, changing rooms, and bathrooms. It does not imply the trans-person is the danger. The predators are the danger. The predators may or may not be trans, but they almost always have a penis. Predators will take advantage of any loophole to get in and hunt if they are allowed.

The animal anecdotes continued and they were fabulous! 

LOL! Let the tigers be tigers but we still have to protect women from being eaten alive.


She is KILLING it. 

We love the real-life inspiration. haha 

One thing the Left should learn, no matter what they think of her, she is NOT backing down and she is always going to win in a WORD fight. We are very happy she is not daunted by the people who want her to shut up. KEEP FIGHTING! 

'Mischief Managed!' — Harry Potter

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