Twitchy readers all recall Loudoun County school board meetings from the Younkin campaign in 2021. They were not pretty and it seems Loudoun County has gotten even uglier.
A social media group that calls itself ‘The Loudoun County Love Warriors’ is said to be made up of several campaign volunteers, supporters, and staff for several Loudoun County elected officials and they are NOT behaving in a very loving manner.
Read this thread from Nick Minock, a reporter for @7NewsDC.
Exclusive: A whistleblower sent @7NewsDC copies of violent threats made against people who have spoken at Loudoun County School Board meetings.
The threats & plots to get people fired appear to be from people associated with several Loudoun County elected officials & candidates.
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 9, 2023
Exclusive: Some Loudoun County residents were threatened, and one lost his job after a social media group allegedly worked to dox them after the residents spoke out at school board meetings, according to documents a whistleblower sent to @7NewsDC
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 9, 2023
Look, even if you are a fanatic on the Leftist political scene, do you really need to threaten and try to get people fired for disagreeing with you? We do not think the Loudoun County LOVE warriors chose the right name.
A group called @loudoun4all appears to have released a statement about our reporting. There are several inaccuracies in their statement. For the record, there are Loudoun4All members in the “Loudoun Love Warrior” Facebook group.
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 10, 2023
A person said this about a man who spoke at a Loudoun County School Board meeting (part 1):
•“Im telling you. SOMETHING has to happen to one of them.”
•“Something public and permanent.”
•“Lives needs to be ruined beyond repair.”— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 10, 2023
The threats listed in the article are insane. Merrick Garland wanted to label parents as domestic terrorists but we can make a pretty sure bet on the fact he will ignore the behavior of the ‘Loudoun County LOVE Warriors’.
A person said this about a man who spoke at a Loudoun County School Board meeting (part 2):
•“Lets actually destroy them. Grind them.”
•“His life needs to be PERMANENTLY disassembled.”
•“F*** just getting him [fired].”— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 10, 2023
Here is a small excerpt from the article about the threats one person received from the group:
“Im telling you. SOMETHING has to happen to one of them.”
“Something public and permanent.”
“Lines drawn in the cement.”
“Lives needs to be ruined beyond repair.”
“Lets actually destroy them. Grind them.”
“If he had said that s*** about black kids or autistic kids I would shoot him.”
“We REALLY need to find this guy.”
“You guys need to stop protesting and start fighting back against these people Time to just do something different to shut them down.”
“F*** just getting him [fired].”
“Im soooo ready to show up with guns lol.”
“His life needs to be PERMANENTLY disassembled.”
New: Someone who works for Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj said they wanted to make a man who spoke at a school board meeting “unemployable” and everyone who clapped to be “ousted” and their “livelihoods ruined.”
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) May 10, 2023
Leftists seem to think if you disagree with them you should be ostracized from society forever, have no job, no income, and just die. We saw this during COVID and it has not gone away.
Wow, this thread is so disturbing! Sadly, @ButaBiberaj will probably do nothing about this because she seems to be onboard with retaliation against political opponents and anyone with opposing viewpoints.
— Danielle (@DanielleSacra) May 10, 2023
Disturbing is not even a strong enough word and we are pretty certain the commonwealth’s attorney will do nothing.
Parents are not the enemy. Pretty sure that Democrats call this Protected Domestic Terrorism:
Loudoun social media group, some allegedly tied to elected officials, threaten residents
— TheMorningSpew2 (@TheMorningSpew2) May 10, 2023
YES! It should be labeled as domestic terrorism. They tried to label parents who were fed up with the crappy education their children were getting during COVID as terrorists and they did not threaten anyone!
#LoudounLoveWarriors included activists who work for or are affiliated with Loudoun elected officials and candidates. Threats in the chat included calls to "destroy", "grind" & "PERMANENTLY disassemble" the lives of and livelihood of Parents who spoke at school board meetings.
— Moms For Liberty Loudoun (@Moms4LibLoudoun) May 10, 2023
The ‘Loudoun Love Warriors’ should consider changing their name to the ‘Loudoun Hate Mongers’. That is just our opinion, but it seems more fitting.
“Democracy” 2023-style.
— Bill Rehkopf (@BillRehkopf) May 10, 2023
UUUGH. This is so sad but it is true. Democracy in 2023 for the Left is shouting down, threatening, or pushing anyone who disagrees with you until they ‘bend the knee’.
We will leave you with a quote from the AMAZING Dana Loesch, she made it in 2019 but it is fitting for all of 2020-2023 and will probably be relevant for all of the foreseeable future.
Never bend a knee to the rage mob. Ever.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 21, 2019
‘Never bend a knee to the rage mob. Ever.’ ~ Dana Loesch
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