Rainn Wilson is the actor who played Dwight on The Office. He recently tweeted in surprise that he was agreeing with just about everything Tucker Carlson said in his statement after leaving Fox News.
We understand why Rainn would be surprised. He is in a ‘Hollywood mindset’ and when he heard someone saying logical things without being over the top about it he could hear the truth and he naturally agreed with it, but normal unadulterated truth is NOT a normal thing to hear in Hollywood.
Also, Tucker is generally painted as some kind of supervillain outside of conservative circles, but here is the thing, the reason Tucker was so popular is that he actually just cared about the truth. It did not matter to him whether his team was on the right side of an issue or not, he would tell the GOP they were being awful just as often as he would tell the left to sit down.
I never thought I’d say it but I agree with @TuckerCarlson on almost everything he’s saying here: https://t.co/HyF7Qw0U2e
— RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) April 27, 2023
You can watch Tucker’s statement below rather than read through the Yahoo transcript.
Good evening pic.twitter.com/SPrsYKWKCE
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 27, 2023
Welcome to the not brainwashed end of the world Mr. Wilson. We are happy to have you!
Most of the comments on Wilson’s tweet were positive and welcoming but there were a few Leftists hoping to bring him home from the dark side. There were also some people in the same boat as Rainn with being surprised they were agreeing with Tucker Carlson.
We will start with the negative and surprised-to-agree tweeters.
It’s ironic coming from him but yes, everything he said in that paticular statement is true.
— Solgob (@solgob_) April 28, 2023
HA! That seemed to be painful. They made sure to say it in a way that the ‘outrage mob’ should leave them alone.
He’s just rebranding to hedge for potential future gigs. There is nothing else happening here.
— Asif Hossain (@asifintoronto) April 27, 2023
Right, because Carlson has not been a dude willing to say what he believes even if people come after him for it… (that is sarcasm)
I won't ever agree with any thing that man says, he got my parents and I want them back
— Mariah K (@mrhomg) April 28, 2023
We are sorry but we actually cackled at this. Tucker Carlson ‘got your parents’… did he have a white van and candy? EL-OH-EL!!!!!!
He says absolutely nothing here, Rainn. He’d still be on Fox News had he not compromised them with bigoted and racist tweets. It’s all slight of hand by way of patronizing racist adjacent pontification.
— John Handem Piette (@JohnHPiette) April 27, 2023
It did not take long to find the ‘racist’ claims against Tucker but to Rainn Wilson’s credit, he has not replied or deleted the tweet. At least at the time we were writing this story, it was still up. 🙂
What’s funny is that my first exposure to Tucker was when he was on NBC? pre-Obama. He was the first media member to willingly discuss Ron Paul.
So yeah, there’s a genuinely common sense person in there somewhere. Maybe he can embrace that again post-Fox. https://t.co/nD7WAcp1np
— paige s. (@PaigeSully88) April 28, 2023
So this one fell on both sides, it was positive and negative! Tucker has always been one to say what he thought, even when he was on CNN with the bowties but he definitely got WAY better at discussing his points and pushing the envelope when he stopped wearing the bowties.
Now on to some more positive Tweets.
I love all of the panicked leftists desperately trying to convince Rainn that he better step back.
Boy, sounds am awful lot like the people Carlson was referring to in his video.
— Diversity & Dragons (@WeeWheaton) April 28, 2023
HA! The OMG come home Rainn Wilson tweets were fun!
I do concur @rainnwilson Once he started talking about the UFO stuff my opinion changed of him very quickly! He is right about a lot of things recently… Also I think you were hilarious in The Office! 😂😂 You should do a podcast with @TuckerCarlson that would be great stuff!!! https://t.co/6h5IKM79gI
— MyFloodMap.com (@myfloodmap) April 28, 2023
We would listen to that podcast. Even if it was just a one-time event.
Most people do
There is reason he was popular
He pushed past party lines all the time— robjceo (@robjceo) April 28, 2023
Exactly! Tucker was popular for a reason. He was ALWAYS in search of TRUTH and we hope he keeps doing that.
Welcome to the bright side. We look forward to figuring out the rest that you’ve been happily spoon fed as well.
— Tracey Edwards (@realitychik77) April 28, 2023
Aww someone called our side the bright side for once. Did it give you guys the warm fuzzies?
— lisamarie (19k 🌅 of being 🚺) (@Lisa_from_SoCal) April 28, 2023
If Wilson gets red-pilled it could be a lot of fun to watch that transformation.
AOC: "Deplatforming works"
Dwight Schrute: "False!" https://t.co/JEr7Rhqn3B— Dancing Baptist (@BaptistDancing) April 28, 2023
*Snort* We had to include at least one Office reference.
💯. And I think his fundamental point is that we need to keep communicating. Away from the noise. It’s intended to divide us and that’s all it does.
— M H (@MHark) April 28, 2023
YES! We all need to keep talking to people. By you, we do mean YOU, because this editor is a bit of an introvert but we still want other people to talk to people. You may be surprised at how much the media skews things. Most other humans are not as far Left as we see on Twitter or cable news.
Let’s hope Rainn Wilson can pass out a few more red pills in Hollywood as well!
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